Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Complete Back washing Guide For D.E. Pool Filters


Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filters are known to be top of the line in the swimming pool industry. The Hayward DE filter line is a great choice when it comes to keeping your swimming pool clean. The great part about the DE pool filter is that back washing is fast and easy, which means you will have more time to swim in your pool.Complete Back washing Guide For D.E. Pool Filters

Diatomaceous Earth is also known as “D.E.” in the swimming pool industry. D.E. is required in all brands of Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filters, not just the Hayward models. Diatomaceous Earth is a white powder that comes in 10LB & 25 LB bags and can be purchased from your local swimming pool supply store and even many home centers. The Hayward D.E. filter like any other Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filter requires D.E. to keep the filter running smoothly. Depending on what type and size filter you have will determine how much earth your filter can hold. After deep pool cleanings your pool filter will need something called a back washing.

Back washing is the process of removing the old D.E. powder from the swimming pool filter using either a muliport valve, a bump handle, or manually with a pool filter cleaning wand. This can be done easily if you know how to backwash your pool filter the correct way. In order to backwash your Hayward swimming pool filter you will need to know a few things. You will first need to determine if you have a multiport on your filter system or if you have a smaller filter that only uses a bump handle.

How Do I know What Type Of Diatomaceous Earth Filter I have?

Hayward makes back washing easy with two different styles of filter back washing methods.

The first method uses the bump handle that is built into the filter.If you have an above ground pool you probably have an EC type of D.E.(Diatomaceous Earth) pool filter. This includes the EC-40, EC-50 and also the Hayward EC-65 D.E. pool filter. The EC line of pool filters uses something called a “bump handle” to shake the D.E. powder from the fingers of the filter.

The second method of back washing is done with something called a mulitport valve. The multiport valve is a multi directional valve that has a “backwash” option. By setting the valve to the backwash position will allow you to backwash the filter and no bumping is required like the other style of filter.

Now that you know the difference between each type of Hayward D.E. Swimming Pool filter you will need to know how to actually back wash each type of filter.

How To Back Wash The EC-series D.E. Pool Filters From Hayward:

If you have a EC type filter and you need to backwash the filter then this is how you would do it.

1) Shut off the swimming pool pump, by either unplugging it or switching the pool timer manually to the off position. It is a must that the pool filter is off before you start the back washing process.

2) Now that the pool filter is off you will want to “bump” or push up and down the lever that is on top of your filter. You will want to push the handle up and down slowly at first to make sure that you do not crack or break the bump handle. Remember the handle is only made from plastic. Sometimes if you have not back washed for a while the Diatomaceous Earth can get jammed up and cause the handle motion to be stiff.

3) Once you have bumped the handle up and down a few times, you will now want to open the back wash valve. The backwash valve is located on the bottom of the filter tank. Usually the back wash valve will be a while valve with a T handle you will just need to turn about a half of turn.

4) Now that the back wash valve is open and the Diatomaceous Earth has been bumped with the handle you are ready to wash out the filter. To complete the back wash cycle you will now need to turn on the swimming pool pump for about 1 – 2 minutes or until the water out of the back wash line is clear. Once you see clear water coming from the back wash line you can shut the valve and continue to run the pool pump.

5) After you have closed the back wash valve and the pump is running, It is now time to re-add the D.E. powder into the filter. Look on the side of the filter to see how many Lbs your filter takes. The D.E. should be added into the skimmer when the filter system is running. Most Hayward D.E. swimming pool filters take between 3 – 8 pounds depending on the size and the model of the filter.

How To Back Wash Common Multi-port Filter Systems:

Learning to back wash your swimming pool filter that has a multiport valve can tricky if you have never done it before. The basic concept of “back washing” is the same compared to other types of Diatomaceous Earth filters like the EC series but there will be a few things that have to be done differently.

1)The first thing you will want to do is to make sure that the swimming pool motor that runs the pump is off.

2) Once you will now have to adjust the multiport so that it is in the “back wash” position. You can adjust or turn the multiport valve by pressing down on the handle and then turning the handle while it is pressed down to the position that you want. In this case you will want to turn the valve to the back wash position and make sure that the handle locks into place.

3) Once you have set the multiport valve to the back wash position you will want to roll out the back wash hose. It is always a good idea to have a back wash hose attached to the multiport so that the pressure coming from the valve does not disturb the landscape around the filter area. A back wash hose is only a few dollars and can save you from some headaches & a big mess. Remember the D.E. powder will be coming out of the filter when you back wash.

4) Once your back wash line is rolled out and your valve is set to the back wash position you can turn the swimming pool pump back on again. You might need to wait a few seconds and then you will see your pump start to flow again but now the water will be going out through the back wash line. If you look through the back wash sight glass you can see the color of the water at the end of the hose. That is the reason for this sight glass. Run the pool filter on back wash until the water is either clear at the end of the back wash line or at the sight glass.

5) Once the filter has ran until the water is clean you will now want to “rinse” the pool filter using the same muliport valve. What you will now have to so is to shut down the filter system again and then switch the multiport valve to the rinse cycle.

6) Rinse the filter on the rinse cycle for a few minutes and then shut the filter down. After the filter system is shut down, once more move the valve back to the “filter” position.

7) Now that you have had the multiport on the back wash, rinse cycle and now have set it back on filter you can re start the swimming pool pump.

8) After the pool filter has been running for a few minutes and is at full prime, you can go ahead and re add the Diatomaceous Earth powder through the skimmer. You can look in the owners manual or on the side of the swimming pool filter to see how man pounds of Diatomaceous Earth a.k.a. D.E. you will need to add.

Pool Trick: You can use a 1lb empty coffee can to measure the pound of D.E. Powder. Each coffee can that is full of Diatomaceous Earth is equal to one pound. So if you added “four coffee cans” that would have been four LBS of Diatomaceous Earth(D.E.) that was added.


  1. @Leigh:

    I just noticed this:

    “The filter was professionally cleaned over the winter.”

    Maybe the pool guys did not re-assemble the filter right when they put it back together, or possibly the filter grids ripped or something broke during the cleaning(I have seen this many times myself).

    I would call the swimming pool company and ask them to take a look at the filter for you for free since they charged you to clean it. D.E. will return back into the pool when a grid has a tear, when a manifold is cracked or sometimes when a helper puts the filter back together wrong.

    It could be a number of things, I would first see if you can get the pool company to come back out.

    If not let me know and I can tell you what to look for.

  2. I’m having the same problem with DE shooting back in the pool after adding it after a backwash while the filter is running. The pool company cleaned the filter over the winter and inspected it for tears because it was doing the same thing at the end of the pool season last year. They did not find anything wrong with the filter.

    However, the multi-port valve gasket has been warping and not seating correctly. The pool company has replaced the gasket and sealed it several times. We get one round of filtering out of that. After a backwash and returning the multi-port valve to filter, water continues to flow through the discharge and we have to shut down the filter so we don’t drain the pool.

    We will probably be replacing the multi-port valve completely; however, will this solve the problem of the DE shooting back into the pool?


  3. Hi Susan,

    However, the multi-port valve gasket has been warping and not seating correctly.

    IF the multi-port gasket is bad you will get DE returning into the swimming pool. so to answer your question, Yes if you replace the multiport the DE will stop coing back into the pool.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.


  4. Hello I have an inground pool and spa my pool guy kinda left me hanging here in ft worth so im trying to learn all about my pool 4 myself so i can maintain it by my self i have not had very good luck with pool people here in ft worth area . my pool guy took apart my hayward de 4800 filter to clean and said that some of the grids were broken and needed to be replaced, there were accordding to him so many broken he suggested i buy a grid pack and replace them all. i agreed and told him to call me with the price, he called back with price of 450.00 i told him way to high and bought the whole set myself for 212.00 so now i read your site and figured out how to get the grids back in and filter back together, thanks for that. My problem now is my pool is green for about 1 month filter has not been run for about two months as i have been out of town and my pool guy kept saying ill be there this weekend to finish but as stated above he has never showed back up.fiter it So i need your help the fiter itself is clean and the grids are brand new and is all back together, do i need to prime pump should i do anyting at all to green water before i try and start the pump can you help me understand how to backwash system? I have a black valve handle pulled up to lock position right now( black valve has no other writing on it except words lock -handle pulled up and to left and open black handle turned to right and pushed down to lock psition between the filter and the pvc pipe leading to pool and spa. I have a backwash hose ready to go but i dont want to do more harm than good trying to do this myself any suggestions would be very much appreciated also if you have a phone number i can reach you at that would be wonderful also, as im not to good at this typing thing and would be easier for me to call, or maybe you can call me at 817 675 0424 THANKS FOR YOUR GOOD WORK SORRY THIS IS SO LONG BUT IM NEW TO THIS POOL THING AND AM REALLY CONFUSSED

  5. Hi Don,

    I can help you for sure.

    Here are some steps and some articles to help you

    1) You will need to get the pump and filter going. You will need to prime the pump.
    If you have a Hayward Super Pump This article will show you how to prime it:
    Hayward Super Pump Repair Guide

    2) Once you get the pump running you will need to shock the pool heavy:
    Here are some articles about shocking your pool:
    How To Shock Your Swimming Pool
    Liquid Vs Powdered Swimming Pool Shock
    Swimming Pool Shock Buyers Guide

    3) Next You will need to learn how to clear a green pool and you can find that article here:
    Top Five Ways To Clear A Green Swimming Pool

    4) You will need to adjust your PH and ALK, This article shows you how:
    Use Baking Soda In Your Swimming Pool

    5) You will need to learn how to back wash your pool filter:
    Complete Back washing Guide For D.E. Pool Filters -
    How To Clean Hayward Grid D.E. Filters –

    6) And then you will need to learn how to ad DE to your pool:
    How To Add DE To Your Pool

    let me know if the above helps you, If you have more questions please feel free to ask.

  6. Hello everyone, I was just hoping maybe someone can help me with my problem. I have an EC series filter from Hayward but I think my filter must be broken as I need to bump the filter about every 20 minutes or so. Also when I try to backwash the filter I am unable to see the actual water coming out of the pipe as it runs straight into the ground so I am unable to see when it is clear. I would really appreciate any insight into my problems. Thanks

  7. Must be contagious…I have the same problem with my EC 65…Hard to press handle down initially when pump is shut off, and frequent backwashing necessary (approx. every 20 minutes)..skimmer flow negligible when started then no activity after 20 minutes…water flow out of pool ports limited, although reading on gauge has only moved about half of the suggested range.

  8. I have a brand new Hayward 3620 pool filter. I went to backwash it today and the multi-port will not move! Help.

    • Hi Nancy?

      Did you shut the filter system off? Did you lush down on the handle?

      Did you have a professional install this?

      Let me know the above,


    • Hi Nancy.

      You wrote:

      “It was professionally installed. ”

      I am a pool guy myself, just so you know.

      I think its time you call who installed it and ask them to come back and look what the deal is.

      I know if you were my customer, That I would come by for no charge considering it was just installed.


  9. Hi
    We have an inground pool with a hayward filter and lately have noticed that it requires constant backwashing (approximately every 4 days as the pressure in the jets is visually low). Also there is white dust (?DE powder) on the bottom of the pool. The pool is approximately 3.5 years old and I don’t remember having to ever backwash it this often. Could you tell us why this might be happening and what, if anything, we should do about it.

    • Hi Cathy,

      The fact that you told me that there is DE on the swimming pool pool means that there is something wrong with the internal parts of the filter system.

      If you can let me know what model of Hayward Pool Filter you have,(I.e. Perflex, Microclear, Etc) I can help you further on figuring out what is wrong (Online Virtual Troubleshooting / Service call)

      Let me know,


      • Hi Joseph,
        Thanks for your timely response. It is a Haywood Progrid DE Filter – do you also need a serial #??? Let me know…

        • Hi Cathy,

          Check out this article I have here:

          How To Clean Hayward Grid D.E. Filters

          I wrote that and also took those pictures and I think you will enjoy that article.

          What you will want to do is to follow the instructions there and take apart and clean the filter.

          Once the filter is dis-assembled you will want to check all the man-folds, o-rings and most importantly look for rips and tears in the grid elements.

          Check out the article and the pictures on that link above and let me know if you have any more questions.

          Let us know what you find as well when you do find something or let me know if you are still haveing trouble.


          PS: You can also check out

          for a ton of other “Info on the go”

  10. Hello,

    We have a 22,000 gal gunite pool filtered by an Anthony Apollo Vertical filter(DE). The filter area is 40 (sqft?)…here is my dilemma. We shocked, backwashed and cleaned the filter grids today due to heavy rains and significant algae (lots of oak trees overhang the pool). After backwashing there was significant clumps of DE lingering around the outer edges of the grid (near tank walls). Is this possible due to a faulty filtering system that is unable to manage the DE filtering work? Should we use less DE than the recommended 8 pounds for our filter size. How would using only 5 pounds of DE affect the filtering? I guess the real question is how do you know when your filter isn’t working to capacity?
    NOTE…I think the worries of algae build up are over – sunny skies ahead hear in Southern New England – finally! Thanks! Lynn

  11. I have an Anthony DE filter system that is about 30 yrs old. I am getting DE back into my pool. I have taken the filter apart and cleaned and checked each one and found no tears or rips. I don’t know what else to do.

  12. I’ve been reading in a pool book to do that. The only problem is (and don’t laugh) I’m not sure what the manifold is. My pool is old and the filters in the books show a filter that looks different. If we had a pool book when we moved in 22 yrs ago, I don’t thinnk we have it. I’m thinking the o rings are maybe the hard plastic discs that fit in between each filter. A metal rod fits through all the filter disks and then you put it back into the filter. I’m thinking I’m just going to break down and call someone who knows about these pools. I thank you for your assistance.

  13. Great website as I find it very informative. Thank you.

    Recently, my PSI has been going up dramatically in only an hour or two after backwashing. Normally after backwashing, it starts at 12 and takes 5-7 days to get to 20-25 where I backwash again. Recently it has been going from 12-25 in less than 2 hours and my neighbor suggested that maybe I am not adding enough DE.

    I scratched my head but experimented and added more DE than I was adding after a backwash and he was correct. In the next 24 hours, it went from 12 to 15. Normal for my pool.

    Any reason why having more DE helped keep my PSI low?

    thank you

    • Hi Dave,

      Yes, The fingers / grids have to be fully coated with DE or the debris / bacteria from the water will clog the mesh and then the filter will need to be back washed faster and you can also damage the fingers grids.

      So, if you were putting in to little DE powder there would not be enough to coat all the surface of the grids fingers.

      Let me know if you need any more help,


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