Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Intermatic Pool Timer Troubleshooting & Repair Guide


If your Intermatic swimming pool timer has stopped working you will have to do something called troubleshooting. There are many reasons why your pool timer may not be working. You could be missing the timer pins, you could have a bad timer, you could have no power to the timer or maybe even the timer is set wrong and it really is working but your not seeing it.

So what you will need to do next is to troubleshoot your Intermatic timer with a few steps. Once you figure out what is wrong with the timer, you may be able to do the repair yourself or might have to hire an electrician to come and replace the timer for you. Intermatic Pool TimerThere are simply things you can do yourself like adjust the timer pins and set the clock on the timer. But of the timer itself is bad you will need a licensed electrician to change the timer for you. I mean you could go out and buy the timer for the electrician but you will need his experience to get it installed correctly. Okay, so let’s move on to the Intermatic Pool Timer troubleshooting and figure out why your timer is not working.

How To Make Sure The Intermatic Timer Is Operational & Working

If you are not sure if your timer is working or not you will first need to know if its even operational. You will first want to look at the pool timer and see if you have two timer pins. There should be an off pin and an on pin. If you have both pins take notice of there position and then come back in a few hours and see if they have changed from the spot they were in when you last looked. Its best to just write down the spots each timer is in, but remember that it’s a 24 hours cycle so you will need to come back within 24 hours to see if the pins moved.

If you have gone back after a few hours and the pins have moved that means you have electrical power to your timer and it is working. You most likely just need to now set the pins and the clock and your timer will work. See the next section in this article for that. If your timer pins have not moved that means there is no power to the timer or the timer has failed and need to be replaced or possible manual over ride switch for the timer is off. You will want to make sure the manual switch under the timer wheel is pushed to the on position. Another thing you will need to troubleshoot and check is the circuit breaker for your pool timer.

So what you will want to do now is to look for the circuit breaker panel and locate the circuit breaker for your Intermatic Pool Timer and then make sure it is set to the on position. Commonly, many pool owners will think there pool timer is broken and not working when all they had to to is turn the circuit breaker to the on position. But if your circuit breaker is in the on position and your pool timer clock is not rotating and the timer is not working then you will need to call a licensed electrician to replace the timer.

How To Adjust The Timer Wheel On Intermatic Pool Timers

If the power has gone out, your just opening your swimming pool for the season or some third reason, you may need to adjust the time on your Intermatic swimming pool timer. To adjust the time you will first want to look for the “time” bar that is mounted in the middle of the timer wheel. Then number(time of day) that you line up with the time marker will be the time that you are setting your timer to. So if you see the 10am behind the “time” marker, this means that the timer has the current time of 10am.
Intermatic Pool Timer Adjustment
If you need to set the time, you will need to take two fingers and slightly pull the wheel towards you and away from the back of the timer box. You will feel the wheel pull out about an 1/8″ of an inch and then you will be able to rotate the timer wheel. Just turn the timer wheel until the correct time of the day is aligned with the timer marker that is mounted in front of the wheel.

How To Set & Adjust The Intermatic Timer On & Off Pins

Once you have confirmed that you timer is working you will need to adjust the timer pins to reflect the time you want your filter system to turn on and off. You will first need to adjust the time on the timer first. Once you have the timer set to the correct time you then can loose the little hold down screw on both the timer on and timer off pins. You off course will want to adjust one time pin at a time.

Also be careful not to loosen the timer pins to much or they could fall off the timer wheel and onto the ground. If you loosen the hold down screw to much it could separate from the timer pin. So just turn the adjustment hold down screw on the timer pin counter clockwise about a full turn and then you will be able to slide the on or off pin to the right time on the timer wheel. Once you do some you will want to re-tighten the hold down screw on the timer pin so it stays in place.


  1. We have 2 timers in one box. One controls pool pump the other the pool cleaner. The pool pump is not keeping time but the cleaner is. Is there any way to adjust the pool pump timer to keep time? It’s not cutting on or off at all using the screws. It all has to be done manually. Any help is appreciated

  2. Have you ever heard of the timer running backwards? Mine is doing that now! I found the timer wheel jammed against the OFF tab. I removed both the On and Off Tabs and set the timer wheel to 12:00. I came back a couple of hours later and found the timer wheel was now at 10:00. I am running and have measured 240 volts on Line and Load. The On/Off switch works fine. Recycling power did not correct the timer wheel direction. Just curious about how this happened and what, if any fix there might be for this.

  3. My timer does not turn our pool on , I called Leslie’s pools and was told that the timer tabs were pro-ably worn out . I purchased anew set of pins (on z&off) once I installed the “on” pinn as presribedby the pool supply company, the pool still does not come on . The tier works and is set to the correct time. The pool goes off as scheduled. but would have an idea what s gping on?†hank you in advance.

    • I also have a timer (Intermatic Model T104R) that does not turn our pool on. I have tried to relace the timer tabs with new ones to no avail. This unit is about 4 months old and has worked fine until now. The pool turns off ok, but does not come on.

  4. My pool timer is only 6 months old. Timer dial does not move unless I pull it out to reset time. Otheriwse it just stays still even though you can here timer ticking and power is supplied to it. The only way I can turn on the timer is if I switch it on manually. Please help I don’t want to have to manually switch my timer on everyday. This defeats the purpose off having a timer.

    • Mike,
      Did you ever get an answer to your problem with your timer? We are having the exact problem with ours and as you said, why have the timer if you have to turn it on and off manually?!?!?


  5. I also have a pool timer that runs in reverse due to close strick by lightning.
    I have reversed the power lines into the timer but it still runs in reverse.

  6. I have just purchased one of your pool timers and I am unable to get it to run and feel that I may have connected the wires incorrectly do you have color-coded schematic available,preferably on-line? Thanks, Des Harrison

  7. The timer clock is functing and keeping time, but neeither the clock or manual switch will turn off the pool motor. I have to throw the braker in order to turn the pool motor and the clock off.

  8. My timer does not turn our pool on , I called Leslie’s pools and was told that the timer tabs were pro-ably worn out . I purchased anew set of pins (on z&off) once I installed the “on” pinn as presribedby the pool supply company, the pool still does not come on . The timer works and is set to the correct time. The pool goes off as scheduled. Thank you in advance.

  9. We bought a house with a pool. We have lived here since June, did not know much about pools. We did have it changed to a saltwater pool. My question is the pump has been running non stop. Electrical bill enormous. So, talking to neighbor and others now know does not need to be running non stop. We are missing the on off knobs. can you just buy those. and do you have an estimate of how many hours the pump needs to run. Live in Ga.
    thanks. Also can you see answers to the other posts
    Oh, by the way, it is a PT104R





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