Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Noritz Residential Tankless Water Heaters & Boilers


Noritz has been in business since 1951, the company started in Japan. In 2007, they relocated their North American Corporation Headquarters to California and it is the largest tankless water heater showroom in the United States. It was opened for the public in May 2007.Then in August 2008; they opened their first branch office in New York complete with a tankless water heater showroom. You may be thinking, why should I switch from my old water heater to a tankless water heater?Noritz Water Heaters
Noritz Water Heater
Some of the benefits of a tankless water heater is that they supply endless streams of hot water. You won’t have to wait 20 minutes or more again to take a shower after someone has already taken one. There are many different size tankless water heaters. The benefit of this is that if you have a larger home with one and more bathrooms, you can get a Noritz tankless water heater to supply all of your bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms with as much hot water as you need.

NH Series 1501-DV Tankless Hydronic Boilers

Noritz offers some great tankless water heaters. One of them is the NH Series 1501-DV Tankless Hydronic Boilers. The 1501-DV was created with the homeowner in mind. There are two models in this series, they both can offer a quiet running boiler as well as provide a constant and reliable heat to your home. This system is perfect for homes with radiators, baseboard heating, radiant flooring and even forced air systems. The 1501-DV is compact so it will not take up your entire basement, perfect with homes that don’t have a lot of room. These units are extremely efficient, with a thermal efficiency rating of 83% for Natural Gas and 82.8% when used with Liquid Propane. The unit comes with a dual flame burner, which is only available with Noritz products. This dual flame can help reduce the temperature fluctuations that other boilers may provide.

The 1501-DV offers a 150,000 BTUH maximum and a 55,500 minimum BTUH. The standard output on this model is 45,500 to 122,400 BTUH. The boiler provides 4 to 17 gallons per minute water flow and is a direct vent and a sealed combustion unit. The price ranges from $2000.00 to $2299.00. Some other great models are the Series 0931; this unit offers residential homes with a maximum output of 250,000 BTUH and a minimum of 11,000 BTUH. The 0931 offers an indoor and outdoor installation and it is compatible with re-circulation systems. This Noritz Tankless Water Heater has a water flow rate of 9.3 gallons per minute. It is available in 3 different models, the N-0931M, N-0931M-DV and the N-0931M-OD. The price range from $1900 to $2099.00.

Noritz Tankless Water Heater 0531 Series

Another Noritz Tankless Water Heater is the 0531 Series; this tankless water heater has a maximum output of 140,000 BTUH and a minimum of 20,000 BTUH. It also has an Indoor and Outdoor installation option and is re-circulation compatible as well. This tankless water heater uses 5.3 gallons per minute for water flow. The price ranges from $750 to $850.00. The 0631 Series Residential Tankless Water Heater offers a maximum of 180,000 BTUH and a minimum of 25,000 BTUH. This tankless water heater offers 6.3 gallons per minute and is available for indoor and outdoor installation. The rice ranges from $1000.00 to $1050.00. The Noritz Tankless Boilers and Water Heater will make a great addition to any home heating and hot water systems. Not only will you enjoy constant heat temperatures but endless hot water. But these units are so efficient that you will save money just by switching over.

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