Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools


You may remember the name Johnny Weissmuller has a world-class swimmer or perhaps as Tarzan of the Jungle where he appeared in 19 movies. Johnny Weissmuller was first and foremost a world-class swimmer that had won 5 Olympic Gold Medals in Swimming as well as 52 National Championships and he set 76 World Records back in his day. So naturally there would be a swimming pool company named after the swimming legend. Just the Olympic swimmer, the Johnny Weissmuller Swimming Pools are quality and high performance.Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools

The Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools are made with the most durable parts and construction. There are 5 Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools available. The Titan, the Sun Master, the Sahara Oval and the Sahara Round. The Titan offers the customer an extruded aluminum Stealth Support System that is one of the strongest in the industry. The Titan offers a 52″ wall height and a deluxe Coral Seal Liner. The Titan Above Ground Swimming Pool offers a heavy-duty extruded aluminum interlocking walls for extra strength and performance. The pool comes with a single piece of extruded aluminum for the anchor plate and a single piece for the bottom rail. The Stiffener and the Structural Uprights are all made from the extruded aluminum. The Coping is a 7″ Bullnose with a special slip resistance finish. The Titan is available in 3 different sizes the 24′ x 15′, 30′ x 15′ and the 33′ x 18′.

The Sun Master Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with a 52″ wall height and a Coral Sea liner. The Sun Master comes with the same heavy duty extruded aluminum interlocking walls as the Titan. But the Sun master comes with Straight Sides Support System and a 7″ Bullnose Coping. The Sun Master is available in 18′ , 24′, 27′ and 30′. The Sahara Round Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with Extruded Aluminum Top and Bottom Clips as well as Uprights. The Sahara Round comes with an aluminum coping cover and a liner receiver so the liner stays in place better. The Sahara Round comes with 52″ wall height and extra strong aluminum walls. This pool comes in 15′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 27′ and 30′.

The Sahara Oval Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with the same extruded aluminum parts as the Sahara Round but the support system is the Stealth Support System and the Extruded aluminum Stealth Support System. The pool comes with strong aluminum walls as well as aluminum coping covers and liner receivers. The Sahara Oval comes in sizes of 24 x 15, 30 x 15 and 33 x 18. The Johnny Wesimuller Above ground Swimming Pools are not for diving and can be customized with Grand Entrance Staircases, Sun deck, Pool Fence, Promenade Walk and even Underwater Lighting. The Johnny Weissmuller Inventory has some great above ground swimming pools; if you are thinking about that backyard investment this summer, start here at Johnny Weissmuller.


  1. We purchased our Titan in 2005. We love our pool and spent a considerable sum of money for the pool, installation, excavation, garden and retaining walls, patios, etc. to remodel our yard. But I am disappointed to say that our pool is not living up to expectations or the price tag!! We reported corrosion on nearly every part including the extruded aluminum walls last year. After going back and forth with Delair Group we were sent replacement parts with a crew to replace them and the crew was instructed to sand, prime and paint the walls. This year the problems are coming back and in addition, the walls inside the pool are corroding and pitting. Soon I am sure the liner will develop holes. Delair has sold its pool line to Wilbar International. We are waiting to hear from Wilbar what they are planning to do about these problems. For a $9,000+ pool with a 60 year warranty, I expect better. I feel the pool in its entirety should be replaced. We’ll see.

    • We purchased our JW TITAN (33 FEET X 18 FEET X 52″ )”OVAL EXTRUDED WALL POOL” in JULY 1997 and have not had any problems with the pool.With a deck that completly surrounds the pool, and is four feet wide, I to have a considerable amount of money tied up into my project also.Off the top of my head,about $11,000.00 total, and that was with me doing the labor.We still have the original liner that came with the pool and is still in good condition. Several years ago the water was drained to make a repair to a small hole in the bottom of the liner.To my amazement the liner was still supple and plyable.Since the liner is still the original, i have never seen the aluminum wall behind it!
      BUT…Now that I have read some reviews and complaints,I have noticed a rough, bumpy feeling when I feel the side walls with my bare hand.Is this maybe the corrosion you are talking about that happens to the aluminum wall behind the liner? I thought it was some sand residue from the liner installation.Hopefully it is sand, BUT now I have my doughts.

  2. Bought the JW Pool less than 5 years ago. Like everyone else, we were sold on the 40 year warranty. The pool is corroding and poking holes all over the liner letting water leak out. Called American Sales and they processed the claim. We get a letter from the company that manufactured the pools telling us they are sorry and they would replace the pool walls for a $400 “processing fee” and then we have to pay shipping. I’ve tried on several occasions to contact them, no one ever answers the phone. After all of the money soaked into the pool, deck and landscaping, we have to essentially start all over again. Seems wrong that American Sales can walk away without absorbing any of the costs or anyone taking responsibility for making a poor product!!

    • The holes in liner I was told by the pool people from TERMITES!
      My JW pool is also pitting with bb sized holes too, but it is 36 years old..
      Never had any problems till this year..Problem is mine is a 15×30 with a deep end and how do I remove it? Will cost big $$..and all wasted landscaping, new filter,deck I’m bummed! ;-(

  3. We purchased a house last fall that came with a JW 18×33 above ground oval pool. We have a large rip in the liner of the pool and while draining the pool to get it ready for a new liner we found a bunch of tiny BB sized holes along the bottom of the side wall of the pool. Is there any way to fix this? The previous owner said the pool has a 30 year warranty but if there is something we can do to fix it ourselves that might be easier.

  4. Where can I find parts, specifically uprights for my 30′ Sunmaster Kingston pool that is 10 years old? We are replacing the liner, but some of the uprights are cracked and should be replaced as well; we are told.

  5. Hey Folks,
    After reading all the blogs I must say tht it seems you all have asimilar problem. I bought my JW pool used at a garage sale (and it sat on a palate in my yard for two years before I put it up.) It was 15 years old when I bought it and in great condition. The man I bought it from was some what of an expert on pools and after following his advise along with my many years of expierience my pool is still in great shape 12 years afer I bought it.Here it is in nut shell. Every main riser must sit on a concrete block.Thesand under entire bottom track must be at least 3-4 inches deep.and the enite bottom must be cover at least 6 inches ( inside cove and outside.The outside isfor drainage. I put colored rock on top of mine. It is all aluminum ( at least the old ones likr mine are) so it should never rust.another big problem is water getting behind the liner where it meets the pool wall.I put duct tape (waterproof ) behind the bead reciever as a gasket, works well. also use duct tape where the bead reciever sections meet. I live in upstate new yorkand the only thing that has hurt my pool in the excessive ice builup in the winter. it pushed the ice right through the liner, not much can be done about that other than ice removal . thats it hope this help y’all !!!

  6. JW 15×24 oval Titan, 60 yr warranty, $7000, paint peeling, corroding, and no-one to be found for this pool! Help!!!!

  7. i have a 1985 sunmaster. bought it new, moved to another home, and took it with us. we have raised two kids and now our grandkids (6). i dont know of any other above ground pool that would last 26 yrs. we too have had small corrosion holes in the walls. i used jb weld on the holes during aliner change out. i applied it on the inside of the wall and it seems to be doing good. i am very pleased with it.

  8. We are looking for parts for a JW pool that was installed in 1984!! The pool itself has held up wonderfully, aside from liner replacements on occasion. We are in need of the caps that go on top of the fence that runs around the top of the round pool. The caps are white and fit inside the top of the posts. The part that fits into the post is square – 1 3/8 in. x 1 3/8. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  9. It’s time to give credit to Johnny Weissmuller Pools. We got our first and only above ground pool in 1999 when we bought the house. It was installed in 1984 by the previous owners,fast foward to May 2012. I was getting ready to open my pool which would be the 28th season for it when upon filling it I noticed some pin holes in the side wall expelling water. This by the way is the original liner circa 1984. Needless to say I declared the pool d.o.a. and have to decide if we our going to replace it, should we replace it I would give Weissmuller pools a strong endorsement to have it last this long with original equipment except for the pump and filter which I replaced in 2003.

  10. Bought my house in NJ in August 2007 and it come with a JW Sahara Oval pool. At first I wanted to get rid of it thinking the maintenance would take too much time. My wife talked me into keeping the pool and I’m glad I did. The pool is 17 years old and shows no corrosion what-so-ever on the aluminum decking, sidewalls, or fence. Liner is six years old and was replaced by the previous owner. I had to replace the filter pump which cost about $250.00. I’m amazed at how well the pool has stood up. Maybe the older models had higher quality aluminum and coatings. I think Delair Group went bust due to the increased cost of aluminum – don’t know for sure – just what the local pool supply said. All in all it sure beats 40K for an in ground pool and I couldn’t be happier with the pool performance,

  11. I have Weissmuller Sun Wave 24 round above ground. Looking for replacement parts for that pool, especially port hole gaskets.

  12. I just purchased a JW pool used. Its in great shape. Its an 18 foot round. I need a new liner anyway, so I was wondering if I could get extra panels and make it a 22 or 24 foot pool. And if so, where can I get said panels?
    Any help would be appreciated

  13. Need to find top rail union covers which have the “JW” letter on them.
    Need a total of two, pool was purchased in 1996 and is 21′ round.
    Any suggestions where I can obtain ?

  14. I need assembly instructions… PLEASE!!!
    Johhy Weissmuller Sahara, 30×15 oval. All aluminum.
    I bought this pool 5 years ago, and am FINALLY installing it. The only problem is… the assembly instruction booklet was completely destroyed by water.
    Can anybody help me please?

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