Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

EdenPURE Heater Review


Maybe you have seen the late night infomercial or maybe you have seen an ad online but one thing is for sure and that is the EdenPURE System is one quickest rising products. More and more people are using the EdenPURE System to heat their homes. The EdenPURE System is an exceptional space heater. By using an EdenPURE Heater you can guarantee that your heating bills will be reduce by at least 50%.EdenPURE Heater Review

Once you read all about this heater you can also check out the Iheater Infrared Portable Heater which is also another type of heater that may help you lower your heating bills and keep your home warm. Many space heaters cause fires every year but with the EdenPURE Heater, it is safe due to the new Quartz Infrared Heating System. This system will never allow the heater to reach temperatures that are capable of starting fires. But the EdenPURE Heating System is one of the safest space heaters on the market today.

The EdenPURE Heater only gets a bit warm on the outside of the unit. It will never get hot, so it is safe enough to have with pets and small children. In addition to providing a great heating system, the EdenPure System can also help with your health. With other heating units like furnaces and other space heaters they tend to cause dry skin and they dry out the sinuses causing bloody noses.

There are 2 different models of the EdenPURE Heaters. The GEN3 Model 1000 and the Gen3 Model 500. The Model 1000 offers a Front Panel Push Button Controls, an ABS Co-Polymer Cabinet, which helps protect the heater. The design itself is made from galvanized steel on the inside and the outside is made from a polypropylene shell. The unit is compact with 17″ in height, 13″ wide and 18″ in depth. This unit is rated for about 5000 Btu’s, 1483 amps and 12.5 amps.
EdenPURE Heater
The GEN3 Model 1000 works with a IR Remote Control and can heat up to 1000 square feet. It does have a filter that needs to be cleaned periodically but it can be cleaned with warm water or even a vacuum hose. The filter is removed easily from the back of the unit and can be reinstalled just as easily. The GEN3 Model 500 offers a heating capacity of 2300 Btu’s and 300 square feet. The design of the GEN3 500 is made with a polypropylene outside and a galvanized steel inside. This will prolong the life of the heater on both the inside and the outside. The unit has a temperature adjustment panel that is easy to locate at the back of the unit. The unit works with a manual on and off switch and has a Copper Heat Exchanger. These units are made to conserve energy and save you money on your heating bills.

One of the best features about the EdenPURE System is that they can heat the room evenly. Most space heaters only heat the area surrounding the heater. But EdenPURE circulated the heat to work from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. There are no cold spots with this heating system.

This system is quickly becoming the best selling heating system and air purifier in the industry. One of benefits of using the EdenPURE System is that it is able to heat more than one room at a time. You don’t even have to place the heater in the middle of the room as you do with most other heaters. You can use the EdenPURE system in the corner or the room or near a wall and you will still get the maximum efficiency from the heater. But the amount each room gets will depend on how much space is available in each room. The EdenPURE System is perfect for heating all rooms in the house but it is not recommended for use in the bathroom or laundry room because of the amount of moisture that is used in these rooms.

One of the best parts of this product is that it can last about 10 years. Most space heaters do not have a life of more than 5 years or so. You are getting a great product that can actually save you money. Everyone who has tried these units has had nothing but great things to say. The main compliment is that the heating capacity is excellent. EdenPURE is not available ins stores yet but you can order online. The company offers a one-year warranty and a full factory warranty. If you want to save money on your heating bills and you want to improve the air quality in your home then look no further, you want to invest in an EdenPURE System. You will happy you did.


  1. My Mother Inn Law bought a 1000XL heater and it worked very well for 3 1/2 weeks till it blew out! The heater was on its own line which cost $150.00 to install! She contacted the company all upset and they told he that they will send her the return postage to send it back which they did. In a week she got a new heater and it is working fine except for one thing that I noticed when the heater is on her lights in the kitchen and dining room flicker when the heater is on and the heaer is on its own line! She also bought me a Gen 4 heater which worked fine for 4 weeks till it blew the over loads out! This also was on it own line, seem there is a problem with these heaters! I told my mother inn law to get her money back I feel that these heaters are a pice of JUNK made in CHINA! Do not waste your money and do not listen to Bob Vela about all the crap he has to say about these heaters! There is no over load poretiction on these units an you must have a seperate line to run them so the over loads in your house will not kick out!

  2. This is an update to my post on 10/29/2010 # 4 quit called Eden Pure got a price of $53.50 with shipping for new tubes. Replaced # 3heater with pelonis electric radiant heater cost $70 much better temp. control wheel on electric meter turns at same speed as E P . Ordered another pelonis.

  3. The heater does not worked as promised. I have to sit directly in front of it in order to feel heat. Not recommended as a heater to purchase to keep your family warm!

  4. It’s really hard to understand how some people can say they have saved money by using “more” electricity. I work for “the dam#4d electric company”. Anyone who uses a 1,500 watt electric heater will use up to an additional 1,080 Kwh per month, depending on how often it cycles. That can increase your electric bill by an additional $100 a month regardless of who your electric company is.

    If it runs 24 hours a day, for 30 days, you will use an additional 1,080 Kwh. (FACT)
    If your 1,500 watt heater cycles off and on (75% duty cycle), you will use 810 Kwh which will cost about $75
    Call your electric company and ask to speak with the energy conservation department.

    I would like to know how much they paid Bob?

    • yeah hey electric guy, even if i run my gen 4 eden pure 24 hrs a day for 30 days this month, sure maybe ill spend $90 measley dollars a month. I live in Northern Vermont ive gone through 50 GALLONS of propane in 2 weeks that will add up to $400 month for redicoulus propane. So yeah it will save people money. Electricity is a a bargain lately compared to propane/ oil..! My uncle has owned one for 2 years and hardly has to run his propane heater. Ive gone in his house and felt the difference with this heater, im impressed and ive done my math, sorry i dont like to support oil companys.

      Remember folks
      my last refill with propane was @ 3.25 a gal…………whats cheaper!

  5. This is a sub par product and the company should be shut down. They breed on the elderly and DO NOT STAND BY THEIR PRODUCT. They make a product that can burn your house down and they don’t care at all. This is why law suits are so high in this country. Companies like this that clearly know they have made a sub par product that is potentially dangerous, and it will take one large law suit to get them to stop. I am writing this review, one to stop you from giving them your hard earned money and to let others know just how dangerous their product is.

    Don’t believe all the comments you are reading, call their help line 1800-895-0008 I know the number by heart. I have called more times then I care to think about.
    Let me know if you get to speak with someone. They just have a simple recording that tells you their hours of operation. I did get a hold of someone in customer service and they told me that they would have someone from customer service call me back ??????????????? WHAT???????????? 6 hours of calling and you now want have someone in customer service call me back? I 24 hours Cheryl Promised me. Needless to say that was 3 days ago. SO if you call them, please do me a favor and ask them to call Debbie back.
    BOB VELA You should be ashamed of yourself. I guess everyone has their price, saddens me to think that he knows how scary this product is. Oh, buy that way I have been on hold 49.15 minutes, and they keep telling me how important my call is.

  6. I ordered 2 of the gen 4 heaters and they failed within first 2 days. THEY HAVE NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL, they keep hanging up on you, busy signal. If you do get a hold of a person, they put you on hold then hang up on you. DO NOT BUT THIS PRODUCT. Bob Vila is a paid shill for this company.

  7. Infrared heaters do not heat the air. A true infrared heater will heat any object it comes in contact with including water molecules, carpet, furniture, and even the human body. Because the human body is over 75% water infrared heat will warm our bodies similar to the rays of the sun without the damaging UV rays.

  8. I purchashed the gen 3 model almost three winters ago and it has been the best heater I have ever had… I have a 2000 sq ft home and my furnance rarely comes on. It costs me 40 dollars a month and I run it all day but shut it off at night. We have saved so much money on fuel costs. Everyone in my family has also bought this heater and they all have the same results as we do. We also now bought one for our kids and its saving them on heating costs. the customer service has always been great with us if we have questions.. I haver never had a problem and when the time comes can’t wait to purchase another Eden pure.. you people who say this product is bad must not have read the directions on how to use it..

  9. My dad has had 3 Edenpures over the last 4 years. They heat ok but dont last. All 3 never made it past 2 years!! Save your money!!!

  10. i have two edenpure heaters and i am telling you they work great.
    never had a problem and the heat they throw is definatly differant than
    an average electric heater.
    my mother has four of these and loves them,she had one come with damage to the cabinet
    she called edenpure the paid to have it shipped to them and shipped her a replacement at no charge.
    so i dont know what these people who say they cant get a hold of customer service are talking about!

  11. I picked up a used Eden Pur that was shut off by a Power Outage. it will not come back on. I have tried all the reset Instructions. It also does not have a Remote with it.

    Nothing lights up when I try to turn it on. anyone have any suggestions?

  12. well I bought the heater in 2010 used it all winter worked great.Took it out this winter turned it on blew cold air.Can’t seem to find any one who carrys the blubs.What a deal..not called EPheater hot line got the run around.So got a real expensive wrothless heater

  13. My eden gen4 worked great for about a month. Now it just turns on with a beep for about three seconds, then with another beep it turns right off. I’m going to chalk it up to a loss.

  14. i bought the edenpure fireplace heater and it shut off on low and then won’t come back on…have to put it on high and it never shuts off unless you shut it off yourself, it has a thermosthat…tried to use the remote and heater made a popping sound and now remote won’t work. Sent it back and they say there is nothing wrong with it….BUT IT DON’T WORK!!!!!.

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