Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Weil McLain Ultra Series 2 Gas Fired Water Boiler


The Ultra Series 2 Gas Fired Boiler is equipped with the patented PhD technology from Weil McLain. The PhD stands for Precision Hydronic Data technology; this technology has a smart system that brings the PhD heating and hot water requirements, while bringing the most efficiency by determining the data parameters of your home heating system.
Weil McLain Ultra Series 2 Gas Fired Water Boiler

The Ultra Series 2 Gas Fired Water Boiler has a cast aluminum heat exchanger, a burner that is made with a high quality stainless steel construction, and the burner uses a factory mixed air and gas, which offers a wider assortment of firing rates. This will save money as you won’t need to fire up the boiler as much as you would on any other boiler system. It also has an Ultra Control Mode; this means that the control module answers to the signals from the thermostat, water supply, return water sensors, and the flue gas sensor. Almost all of the sensors in the Ultra 2 Series answer and respond to the Ultra Control Mode. Everything is kept neatly in this package.The boiler transformer installed in the Ultra Series 2 is designed to decrease the amount of electrical voltage used in the line. It has a range of 120 vac to 24 vac.
Weil McLain Ultra Series 2 Gas Fired Water Boiler
The 24 vac controls the gas valve and the blower signal. The front door of the boiler is designed to be sealed to the boiler assembly around the whole boiler. Some other boilers are designed partially around the boiler. The Ultra 2 Series Boiler has a P/T temperature sensor that is installed on the pressure temperature gauge, and can be installed into the outlet water pipe. Some other standard features on the Ultra Series 2 are the Boiler Drain Valve, the Data Port, the Air Intake Adapter, and the Venturi, which is designed to act as a vacuum when the air comes through the venturi. This device is used to help with the quality of the airflow.

When you are working with the operation of the boiler, there are just some things that you should know. You should not block the flow of combustion or, any ventilation to the boiler. The heat exchanger is constructed with aluminum and needs the pH system, which should always read between 7.0 and 8.5. The water chemistry should always be checked when the boiler is serviced. There are easy to read electronic display buttons on the Ultra 2 Series Boiler.

The display has a 4 number display where you can access the heating temperature setting, you can see the outlet water temp, and all other operating conditions. You can also see the boiler status, shutdown, and any lock out codes, which makes troubleshooting problems easy. When you have someone install these boilers, you will need to know that the clearance for hot water pipes is 1/2″ from all combustible materials. For the vent pipe the clearance has to be at least 0.20″. You should have 12″ of maximum ceiling enclosure and a 12″ maximum above the floor enclosure. By ensuring the proper clearances you can look forward to a stress free installation.


  1. Kirk,

    You sound knowledgable. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. I have the ULTRA PHD installed 5 months ago. We did not get the control code guide and I can not find it on the weil-mclain website. Our boiler is going out daily now with the E02 code flashing. We reset it and it fires up quickly, but we never know when we will wake to a cold house or just cold water. IT goes out so sporadically. Can you help? Our plumbers have been, but it hasn’t helped. I just emailed the corporate site and tried to call without success. After reading the above diaologues, I am not expecting t hem to respond. thanks for any help. michelle

  2. Michelle.

    An Ultra PHD?? Not sure what this type of boiler is. I went on the Weil-McLain website and didn’t find any boilers of this designation. The Ultra manual notes that an EO2 code is lockout after trying to fire 5 times. Give me a little more information and I will try and help you out.


  3. Michelle,

    PHD… my mind was elsewhere…lol All of the Ultra’s are PHD.. Precision Hydronic Data

    I am guessing your’s is probably 105, 155 or 230. That really doesn’t matter though. If it is locking out on EO2, it has something to do with the ignition electrode (usually). I would first recommend making sure the ground wire is connected under the screw holding the electrode in properly. If this seems OK, then I’d remove the ignition electrode itself. This is done by removing the two screws and simply pulling it out. Make sure the boiler power switch is off though. Clean the metal rod of the electrode, this can be done with sand paper. After cleaning it, reinstall and see if this solves your problem.
    You will need to determine however if your boiler is a Series 2 or Series 3. I am thinking it is a Series 2 since it displayed the EO2 code. I may be wrong though. But if you go to, got to the product manuals & literature link on the left. Then click on the Ultra Series 3 link if it is a Series 3, or scroll down to discontinued boilers and click on the Series 2 link if it is a Series 2. From here you can download the manuals you are looking for.
    In the manuals are procedures for further checking out the possible causes for this error code. They tend to get pretty involved and probably need a service technician to check them out. However, back to your problem, if after cleaning the electrode it still isn’t working properly, I would probably replace the electrode before going through all of the other scenarios. I have been told by factory reps that the electrodes should be replaced every so often. Not quite sure what the time frame is as we have many of these boilers that are over 4 years installed and still have the original. I am thinking it has something to do with the quality of the gas to the boiler(s). The quality varies from region to region.
    I hope this has been helpful and useful for you. Any more questions feel free to ask. Also let me know what you find.

    Good Luck, Kirk

  4. Hi there,

    I have an ultra 80 and I get E02 trips weekly-No Hot H2O!! luckily I have an existing NG hot air boiler that can maintain the house when running full out.(Ultra 80 was added for an addition and its radiant heat load. We decided to run the domestic hot off of it as well to save $$. All I have is head aches. E 18 and E 02 trips all the time and I run out of Hot H2O in 25 minutes-2 showers with a 45 gallon superstore tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  5. ED,

    The E02 error code I explained above to Michelle. Try my suggestions there first to alleviate that problem. The E18 has to do usually with flow. The boiler is heating up to fast in relation to the water flowing through it and reaches its high limit and locks out. That can be caused by incorrect piping or the “boiler pump” isn’t pumping enough gpm to satisfy the requirements needed. If you go to the Weil McLain website and follow the links to the boiler manual (if you don’ have the one that came with the boiler) you can find their suggested piping schematics along with a chart showing what pump they require for the boiler. Another way to get more hot water is to repipe your indirect water heater so that on the domestic side there is a three-way mixing valve to control the hot water temperature supplying the house. By doing this you can increase the temperature of the hot water that is within the tank to 160 degrees plus, thus giving you more available hot water making it seem like you have at least double your present amount of hot water. And make sure to check the PH level of your boiler system water to make sure it is within the manufacture’s requirements.

    Good Luck, Kirk

  6. Kirk,

    Thanks for all the great responses, Thank you for helping these fine folks by responding to there questions, and most of all, I am glad an article like this can help so many people, and you seem to have helped many!

    Its amazing what a SIMPLE web page can do.

    Thanks so much again Kirk!

    Joseph a.k.a. Wet Head

  7. Hi there,

    This forum is great!

    I have the Weil Mclain Ultra Series 2 – installed in December of 2005 with a Taco SR506 circulator, Amtrol/extrol model 30 expansion tank, and an indirect fired Superstore ultra stainless water tank (80 gallons)for DHW. Heats DHW plus 2 zones of house.
    Have not had any problems with the heater until after the DHW tank just had to be replaced.
    The Superstore Ultra died a pre-mature death (leaking everywhere) a few days ago. Was still under warranty, so got a replacement for free, but had to pay for the replacement labor.
    Used the same, very large, highly rated heat/ac company that installed the forced air heating/cooling system in the other half of my house. They did the replacement, but afterwards the Mclain Ultra would not restart. Kept stalling at the b 30 soft lockout error( Reason = “High limit operation – temperature rise across boiler too high.”)
    says “usually indicates flow rate too low.”
    The guys that replaced the water tank did not know anything about the heater. I was able to get the company to send another technician supposedly knowledgeable of these heaters, without charging me (the manager wanted to – said it would be $120 for first half hour and then $50 afterwards). I argued that the heater was fine before and that it was probably some kind of installation/system integration problem.
    Took the technician a couple of hours to get it running. He said it had not worked with this particular model before. He was very nice/professional and did work methodolically to try to figure it out. He flushed the system 2x (although he claims there was no air in the lines from the installation). He also checked the voltage – said seemed Ok. Powered down/up every few minutes. Eventually started ok, although was not sure why.. said to keep an eye on it and to call again if it had trouble (but I would definitely be charged if they had to come out again…)
    It had been running fine for the last 3 days until this morning when it again is flashing b 30 and there is no heat.
    I have tried restarting it several times (since that is what he said he did, and it just started working after a few tries…)
    It has been a couple of hours, and no luck.
    Do you have any ideas? Looks from above that could be the Taco circulator that coincidentally failed when DHW tank replaced. or the pressure differential – pressure not set right after replacing DHW tank?
    after getting $800 bill to replace DHW tank, not in mood to pay more to potentially just to have the installation adjusted properly for my heater, or for the technicians to come up to speed on my heater at my expense. If there anyway I can tell if it is the Taco heater that needs replacing, and not just an adjustment that needs to be made to the DHW tank installation?
    thanks a lot,

  8. Hello all,
    besides the circulator problems with flow do you have hard water, sediment,or just plane bad water. over time this may start to build up in the exchanger causing low flow.
    To all that have the Weil-Mclain Ultra series 1,2,or 3 look at your manual under piping and see if your boiler piping looks like the manual, and if it does, not this could be a main cause of your problems. The piping may look complicated but take a few minniutes and look it over.
    Some of the soft lock outs because of over temping may be rectified by changing a few of the paramiters in the controll.
    It is also very,very very very important to have some one that knows the boiler, how it works,how to set the paramiters and how to install them properly.
    HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR REGISTATION CARDS. If not find them and send them in,(on the front of the envelope with the boiler manuals)It gives you a 5 year parts and labor warranty. I belive it is transferable. Even if it is close on age its worth sending it in. You can call to see if it is regitered you will need the CP # (it is on the frame twards the bottom inside the cover) 1-800-824-5090 If you do not have the CP # it is hard for them to look it up (look in the phone book how many people have the same last name). The people that answer the calls are not techs and are very helpfull (DONT BE MEAN). Some contractors are not registered with the warranty people so you may have to pay the contractor and then get reimbursed, I am not sure how it works in a whole.
    I absolutely love these boilers and when installed properly they are great. They are mechanical and will break down but as a whole they are GREAT.
    If I can help I will and Ill try a visit again soon.

    • Hello- we installed the Ultra 155 boiler in our newly renovated house. The first few weeks it worked fine. Then it began to lock out and the error code was water flow. So my plumber contacted Weill Mclein and they told him to replace the pump. He installed a TACO. They also replaced the board for us free of charge. It worked for awhile and then it began locking out daily for high temp. So my plumber followed their techs directions and he changed some of the parameters. It worked fine for about two weeks and now it is locking out all the time. Our plumber suggested taking the water heater offline and putting in a instantaneous water heater so it will not rely on boiler. What do you think or know about this?? We are afraid to leave the house when it gets cold fearing the boiler will lock out and our pipes will freeze???

  9. I forgot to adress the Super Store tanks. Thes are a great Stainless tank but when using them with the Ultra you need to make sure the circulator is sized right. I belive it needs to be a Taco 0014 or equivilant(lots head pressure threw coil). Under sizing will effect the recovery of the hot water and the boiler over temping. The tank should (needs) 1″ piping from the boiler to the coil.
    Also back to the boiler piping make sure the pipeing is sized to the chart in the manual.

  10. thank you! technician happened to come over today just after you responded. He was glad to get your feedback. the circulator was only half the size of a taco 0014. He put in a german brand one that is between an 11 and 14 that was in his truck to see if it resolved the problem. was all we could at the time as the whole neighborhood happened to lose electricity (man holes actually blowing up down the street, so had to shut down electric~) right after he came. After he left, electricity came back on. It started running, but still got b 30 error. he returned. I think he wasresetting some parameters. I had to leave. When I came back it was running in normal mode. the water is much hotter (was only lukewarm before) … we will see if it makes it through tomorrow morning’s shower time. thank you again! – K

  11. also – submitting my registration card now~ they emailed it to me and send the warranty would become active a month after they received the card…

  12. Im glad to hear you got it fixed. Depending on the size of your boiler the circulator size may vary, the pump sizing chart is in the manual
    Some times when your boiler comes on to heat the hot water the water in the coil is very hot so the return sensor gets a spike in temp and may cause soft lock outs, this is not a real problem but if you are watching the boiler operate you may notice it.
    A b 30 code is a soft lock out, “High temp operation, temp rise across the boiler to high”. usualy a flow issue if it continues to happen have the tech check the boiler circulator (this circulator should be on the return pipe of the boiler and piped below the hot water tank return pipe) to see if its operating. The biger circulator on the hot water tank may have helped for now untill you have a call for heat it may show up again.
    The boiler circulator does not come on when you have a call for hot water, it only comes on when you call for heat.
    One last thing was the warranty person helpfull? now im done rambling

  13. Correction to to position of the boiler circulator. It should be on the return pipe ABOVE the return ot the hot water tank

  14. I have a Weil McLain Ultra-80 model that has made it unattended through 2 northern Michigan winters. Sounds like I’m lucky based on what I read. But as soon as I return to the home and turn up the thermostat, I get an E02 or E28 error message.

    However, my major concern at the moment is the howling noise that occurs when the boiler is firing at certain levels. I have found an adjustment screw on the gas valve but can’t find information as to which way to turn it to eliminate the howling. Any ideas?

    Thanks for your time and input,

    Kevin Fabry

  15. Kevin,

    The E02 and E28 are tied together resulting from the same cause. The E28 shows you have a problem with the blower. Usually, the blower’s control circuit is faulty. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for this except get a new blower. The E02 code is because the boiler has tried to ignite 5 times and since the blower is not running, has failed to ignite and has locked out.


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