Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Sharkline Above Ground Swimming Pools


Sharkline is one of the leading manufacturers of above ground swimming pools since 1961. The company actually started in the founder’s basement and has emerged over the years as one of the top brands in the swimming pool industry. Sharkline’s inventory is very direct, there are three styles of above ground swimming pools, there are the pools made of Resin, Steel and Aluminum. The pools come in your choice of two heights 48″ and 52″.One of the best things about Sharkline Pools is they create every single part of your swimming pool. Sharkline Above Ground Swimming Pools

They manufacture the liners, decking, fence, ladders and every single square inch of your pool’s structure. Sharkline is an American made swimming pool from a family who has been getting better and better at bringing you what you want for over 47 years. The above ground swimming pools that are constructed of a specially made Enhanced Structural Polymer component that goes into the Resin used to create the swimming pools. The above ground swimming pools made from Resin and a high-grade galvanized steel are made to last. There are 5 different swimming pools available in this category, the Valencia 52, Riviera 54, Fusion 54, Infinity 54 and the Matrix 54.

These pools have large 8″ Resin Top Rails and Caps plus a 6-1/2″ Krystal Kote steel uprights for better strength. These pools are oval and round come in sizes from 15 feet round to 33 feet round and 12 x 17 feet oval to 18 feet x 40 feet. Some sizes may vary so ask your Sharkline rep if the pools size you want is available. The Sharkline Steel Above Ground Swimming Pool is available in 6 different styles the Captiva 48, Reprieve 52, Renegade 52, Endeavor 54, Escalade 52 and the Oceanic 54. These pools made from a high grade galvanized steel is well constructed and will last you a long time. These pools are also available in round and oval sizes, the round ranges from 12 feet to 27 feet and the oval ranges from 12 feet x 26 feet to 18 feet x 33 feet. Just as we mentioned in the Resin Above Ground Swimming Pools, sizes may vary depending on what design that you many choose.

The Sharkline Aluminum Above Ground Swimming Pool is available in two styles the Echelon 54 and the Oasis Semi In-ground Swimming Pool. These pools are made with an extruded aluminum construction that some say works better than Resin but all of Sharkline Pools are 100% durable and they offer high performance. The Echelon 54 offers 7″ Extruded Aluminum Top Rails and a 6-1/4″ extruded aluminum uprights to give the pool more strength than most other above ground swimming pools. Sharkline has a great inventory of above ground swimming pools. The only question is which style do you want. If you have any questions on sizes or what comes with your swimming pools contact a Sharkline rep and they will be happy to answer any question that you may have. With summer right around the corner, it is never too early to start looking for the perfect investment of your home.


  1. Question: I have a Sharkline Sendero 52″ Model SN1530. The pool wall at the skimmer sustained some ice damage over the winter. I may be able to straighten it out, but if I can’t; can I purchase a new wall? If so , how much will it cost and how long will it tkae for delivery?


    • Richard,

      You can straighten out the swimming pool wall if you lower the water and pull back the liner. You can also buy a new pool wall but then you are talking $250+ for the wall and then you will need a pool installer to remove your old wall (which is like removing the pool) and then he will have to install then new one. This could also cost anywhere from $200+ depending on the installer / repair man.

      If you want post pictures here and I can tell you which way to go, or you could just try to fix the wall.

      But in closing, Yes, you can straighten out the pool wall and save lots of money, We have done this many times.

      Let me know if you have anymore questions,

      Wet Head

      BTW: Did you have an air pillow in the pool?

      • We bought a high end Sharkline pool in the summer of 2006. We too had some problems with the area around the skimmer rusting and called the dealer and one of their people “repaired” the problem. Now mind you this pool was installed by a person that the dealer recommended. Less then a month later the sides of the pool collapsed. The dealer came out and took pictures and sent the complaint to Sharkline. We have not heard a word out of anyone!
        BEWARE! YOU CAN NOT REACH ANYONE BY PHONE!! There is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE at all and you can spend 5k on a pool from them and they don’t give a rats if it caves in. Make sure if you buy an above ground pool that you can actually speak to a person from the actual company and NOT the dealer you bought it from. What a shame! Don’t be a IDIOT and buy a Sharkline or anything else that comes from WILBAR INDUSTRIES!

  2. Hi,

    You will be able to straighten it out.

    Replacing the wall is not necessary for sure.

    Worst case senierio you could use sheet metal on each side.

    How bad is the damage?

    1) Lower the pool water half way

    2) Remove the skimmer

    3) Straighten the wall / repair

    4) Attach skimmer and silicon it to the wall

    5) wait 24 hours and re fill pool.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask

  3. I had a leak in my above ground pool this past winter and the pool wall was collasped with the weight of the ice. Is there a way to pull these wrinkles out or do I need to replace the wall?

  4. Where can you buy a new pool wall for $250.00? We were told it would cost us around $1600.00 to fix. We bought a 24′ round above ground pool and it collapsed from the skimmer the wall causing the pool to completely drian and ripped the liner. I can’t figure out how to post pictures. Help….What would you advise?

  5. I have an Oceanic Sharkline Above ground Pool. 30×15 54″H. The ice pushed up and broke of the tabs on the inside pc. on the rail covers. The place where we bought the pool, the people are useless. Someone there said something about emerald series but wasn’t sure what that meant. (Real proffessionals). I’m hoping you can help me out. I want to order 20 of them and can’t seem to get any help form the so and so’s we bought the pool from. Can you help?

    • Good luck, I will never own a sharkline pool again. Wilbar industries will not answer any questions concerning replacement parts. I spoke with a dealer about parts for my pool and was quoted a price that was 1000 percent over what such an item sould cost.

  6. am trying to find parts for a Sharkline above ground pool, model SENECA, looking for top caps Part # 12226 or the name of some one who might carry these parts. already tried to contact Sharkline from their web page but they wont reply. Thanks for any help.

    • Good luck my friend, I needed 12 very small plastic boots for my pool (part number 14443 ) of which serve no structual fuction,but merely for dress up. They are a item that most other pool companys sell for around $8.00. After trying to contact wilbar industries five times (of which they ignored and did not even have the courtesy to reply) I finally located a dealer who quoted me a price of 1000.00 for the part. These covers simply shove on the bottom upright then screw into place. So now I will close in telling wilbar where they can shove there sharkline pool.

  7. Looking for a parts sheet and manual for assembly for a 33′ round sharkline matrix.  Does anyone know where i can obtain these?

  8. Hello and good day,Im intrested in your sharline pools my question is the 18×33 reprieve and the escalade pool. Can you please give the major diffrence between them both and how I would benefit from one pool quality from the other I do see a great expence more.Short and sweet.Ty for your time.mark E

  9. Hi,

    I am looking for 28 gauge liner for my Wil Bar Sharkline 33′ x 18′ x 52″ pool.
    How much would it cost?



  10. I bought my Sharkline Escalade about 10 years ago and when I bought it I was told that the section of pool wall by the skimmer is replaceable. Is that true? 10 years later from slow leaks I have rust all the way down the skimmer section and it’s bubbling up. I’m afraid that the rust will soon weaken the wall and could burst open. I would love to replace that section and install a new liner but I have no clue where to get one and Wilbar has not answered my emails. Any help?

  11. I am looking for top caps for sharkline oysterbay model anybody got any contacts to get these new or good used condition parts.

  12. I have a 33 ft round “home n’ roam” pool which is now an artesian pool which is now owned by Wilbar which is how the whole pool industry gets away with murder because everyone is saying its someone elses was a good pool but parts are scarce and now the wall is down..I have caps(resin) top plates, top rail ..all new…the bottom stailess steel rail is in excellent condition… what can I buy to replace this one who can I trust.

  13. Oh geesh Its a nightmare finds any part! Check this out found it posted on a site:

    Please Note when searching for your parts…

    Please keep in mind they could be listed under a different manufacturer because many of the pool manufacturers have been consolidating over the years?

    For example:

    Brands under the Pentair Name include: Pentair, Pac Fab, American Products, Kreepy Krauly, Letro, Purex, Compool, Rainbow, Swimquip and Sta-rite.

    Brands under the Zodiac® Name include: Baracuda ®, Nature2®, Clearwater® and Polaris®, Teledyne Laars, Teledyne, Laars, Jandy®, Waterpik and Caretaker™ Systems

    Brands under the Hayward Name include: Goldline Controls.

    So, keep this in mind when looking for your part. It could be listed under many different names because as new companies are acquired, the existing products will be listed under the new parent company.

  14. Does anyone have any suggestions on what brand of above ground pool to buy. I was looking at a round one at least 27-28 feet and anywhere between 52-54 inches deep?

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