Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Weil McLain Series 80 Commercial Boilers


The Weil McLain Commercial Series 80 Boilers are one of Weil McLain’s premier commercial boilers. The Series 80 commercial boilers are made for light applications of oil, gas, and dual fuel combustion systems. The Series 80 boilers are available in either forced air or, chimney draft venting systems. They are all energy efficient boilers, with a minimum NOx options. The Series 80 can be used both water and steam heating systems.Weil McLain Series 80 Commercial Boiler

When this boiler is used with an Oil System, the efficiency rating is 85% on the combustion side and a thermal efficiency of 83%. If the boiler is being used on a gas system then the combustion efficiency is 82% and a thermal efficiency of 80%. There are 3 different Series in the Series 80 Commercial Boilers. The Series 80 has a range of MBH output ratings from 278 to 1348, the Series 88 has an MBH rating of 794 to 4640 and the Series 94 has a MBH rating of 2028 to 6970. Let’s take a look at some of the standard equipment that comes on these boilers.
Weil McLain Series 80 Commercial Boilers

On all of the models in this series, the boilers come with cast iron boiler sections, a steel flue collar, and breeching damper. All boilers come with side cleanout plates for easy maintenance. They also come with refractory blankets with target walls in the combustion section.

For the water boilers, they come with all that we just mentioned plus a 30 PSIG ASME rated safety relief valve. The boiler sections are tested for an 80 PSIG max working pressure. They have a combination high limit and low limit control board. The water boilers have a built in air eliminator which makes for better efficiency. Last but not least they have a combination pressure and temperature gauge that makes it easy to see exactly what the operating pressure your boiler is at any given time.

For Steam Boilers you will get in addition to the standard equipment available on all boilers. You will get a 15 PSIG ASME certified safety valve that is mounted on the side outlet. You will see a low limit and a high pressure control set. Also installed is a steam pressure gauge. Plus gauge glasses, gauge cocks and gauge guards all for better boiler operation. If you are looking to the ultimate boiler, there are some options that you can get. Available are low water cut off switches, which will tell you when there isn’t enough water in the boiler. Also available are tankless heaters, factory assembled boiler sections, and fire tested packaged boilers.

On all models of the Series 80 Commercial Boilers, you will have the option of choosing from one of 6 burner companies. Available are Beckett, Carlin, PF, Gordon-Piatt, Webster, and Riello Burners. The burner input on these boilers is based on 2,000 feet of altitude. All boilers are cast iron and steel. Weil McLain offers an optional 5 year Parts and Labor Warranty on all of their boilers. Weil McLain is a huge company in the heating industry. Buying a boiler from them is like guaranteeing you low heating costs and reliable and durable parts.

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