Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Water Ace Swimming Pool Pump


The Water Ace Pump Company has been in business for over 125 years. They have a full line of pumps that include sump, sewage, lawn sprinkler, submersible and swimming pool pumps just to name a few. The Water Ace Company is part of the Pentair Pump Group. This means that they only manufacturer and sell products that are made with the best materials and most innovative designs.

Water-Ace-Swimming-Pool-PumpAll of their pumps come with point of purchase materials that are geared for the do it yourself crowd. They make pump selection seem so easy, compared to other companies that you have no idea what you are even looking at. Water Ace provides a one-year limited warranty on the Water Ace Pumps from the exact date of purchase or 18 months from the manufacturer date. The tanks are covered for a warranty period of 5 years. If you are looking for a swimming pool pump that will save you money as well as give you a more efficient operation then the Water Ace Swimming Pool is what you need.
Water Ace Swimming Pool Pump
How many different models does the Water Ace Swimming Pool Pumps have?

Water Ace offers three different models in the company; they have the Model RSP7, which can be used most efficiently with swimming pools up to 22,000 gallons of water. The Model RSP10 works best with pools with 22,000 gallons of water to 29,000 gallons of water. Then the Model RSP15 is for larger pools with 29,000 to 38,000 gallons of water. By having these model numbers categorized by the size of the pool, it makes choosing a model for your swimming pool all that much easier.

What are the specifications of each of these models?

The RSP7 comes with a 3/4 horsepower pump and is available in a 115 voltage or a 230 voltage. The RSP10 is a 1 horsepower pump and it works on either a 115 voltage or a 230 voltage. The RSP15 is a 1-1/2 horsepower pump with a 115 or 230 voltage. The company says these pumps are for the people that like to do things themselves, so you know may wonder, how easy is the installation?

Step One: Find the pump and filter on solid level ground. Then make sure that the pump is covered from weather and water that can be splashed from the pool. You want to make sure that water does not fall onto the motor

Step Two: Then you want to connect the suction line from the skimmer or the drain to the inlet of the pump. There is a shut off valve that is required to be on all above ground pools.

Step Three: You will connect the discharge line from the pump to the inlet on the filter.

Step Four: Connect the return line from the filter outlet to the pool’s return outlet.

Step Five: Connect the electrical cable from the pump to a ground fault circuit breaker. Never have the power on while connecting the wires. The manual has a complete guide to wiring and installation.

Are there parts available if and when I may need them?

As you continue to look through your installation guide you will find not only the parts available but also the part numbers and the quantity of parts that you will need to repair the pump. There are diagrams that show you where these parts go.

What are some of the most common problems I may find? ?

The Water Ace Swimming Pool Pumps are made with high quality materials and they are built for a long life. But along the way depending on how well you take care of your pump you may encounter such issues as the pump won’t prime or the pump provides water for some time and then it stops pumping.

Water Ace has designed their pumps for the do it yourself pool owner. So if you encounter these problems, they have a complete troubleshoot section in the installation manual. You will find the problem and they have a list of checking procedures that you can do yourself. These swimming pool pumps are easy to maintain and as you will see they really are geared for the pool owner.

What does the Limited Warranty include?

The Water Ace Pump Company will repair or replace the original parts of any portion of the product that can prove to be defective because of materials or workmanship done in the plant. Send the part or pump back to the manufacture and they will make the determination on whether it is covered under the warranty.

This is why it is important, if you aren’t sure about hooking up wires or replacing something has is defective. Call a professional, by doing something you are not sure about could have consequences on your warranty. Why not invest in a reliable and dependable swimming pool pump for your pool. You have spent hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars on your swimming pool; why not help maintain it with one of the best swimming pool pumps on the market. Water Ace is a great company with some reliable and dependable products. Take a look at their website and see what they have to offer.

Here is a diagram of detailed pump parts for your reference:


  1. I brought one two years ago for my above ground pool,the rsp10 and after two years the lid has broke. I would recommend going with another product.

    • if its the clear lid they get fragile if exposed to the sun, get a black plastic one and they are much more durable, but gosh dude, 2 years is good for a piece of plastic exposed to the elements. I am very pleased with mine, it runs all the time and the motor is still going fter several years.

  2. Call me about my pump 517 542 3570 your can`t get past your phone people to get a positive answer –Do they run the company???—you might want to find out!!!

  3. I have a Water Ace Punp Model Listed 96R5. The motor has quit running but will hum.
    It is a GE 5KC38SN2535DX 1.5 HP – RPM 3800. Where can I get a new motor or have this one repaired?

    Art Arnold

    • Art it sounds like your impeller is shot, if the motor is huming its most likely ok, get a new impeller and save yourself some cash!

  4. I have a Wayne 1 hp swimming pool pump (or had) it’s in parts. It is a pile
    of CRAP. Totally done after only 3 years. I definitely do not recommend
    anyone purchase this product.

    • Hi Heather,

      What didn’t you like about it?

      Did the motor go? Did the seal start leaking?

      Let me know, I would be interested in hearing your story,


      • Hey Joseph:
        I plugged it in being the start of pool season and it was seized. I un-seized it and it ran but was more
        noisy than usual. As a few days went by I just unplugged it because it was very loud. I figured bearings so
        I tore it down. The bearings at the wet end were gone so bad it somehow damaged the rod. I did take it to
        my repair guy and he couldn’t even get the bearing off-they even heated it. Good news though, he gave me
        a rebuilt one for $90.

  5. Hi;

    I have a 96R5 that is noisy at the pump area. It sounds like it might be the impeller scraping against the pump well (or whatever that is called).

    I took it to Leslie’s supplies here in Tampa and the guy suggested that it might be the seal and/or impeller that are giving problems. Leslie’s does not service that pump and neither does any other regular pool supply place. I bought the pump at Lowe’s but they don’t carry that model anymore and they also don’t carry or order parts.

    I’m not sure of what the exact problem might be with the scraping noise, but, even if I wanted the parts or service for it, I can’t find it anywhere.

    Any suggestions?

  6. I need the electrical schroud for the rear of the motor. One of the contacts was loose and melted part where it connects. I need either the contacts or the entir schroud including the contacts.

    • Hi, James.
      You would need to contact either the manufacturer directly or affiliate vendors who carry the parts. For your convenience, we updated with the detailed pool pump parts diagram.

  7. I have a water ace sump pump. I use it to water my garden. The pump is model R6S it is 1/6 horse. I need to find a power supply cord for it.

  8. I need a new part for my pool pump. it’s a 1.5 HP Water Ace on your diagram it’s part number 5. Impeller # on the back is 25054B003 (best I can read it anyway)

  9. Well I think I bought and placed the rsp15 around 10 years ago it is now priming and was told it had been squeeling for about a week before this the lid and lid gasket got replaced what next

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