Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Spirax Sarco Float & Thermostatic Steam Trap


WeT HeaD KnowledgeThe main purpose of the Spirax Sarco Float and Thermostatic traps is that they can properly drain condensate from the heating system as fast as it appears. They can also remove air and other contaminates from the system at the same time. These traps are made with Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Bodies. This style of trap works best on light and even heavy condensate loads.

The benefits of using the Float and Thermostatic traps is that they can immediately adjust to the loads and pressure of the system, they have an automatic air venting that will lower the amount of warm up time that is needed to start up the heat transfer. These traps will have a stainless steel valve, floats and air vents, which prolongs the life of the traps.Other benefits may include the fact that steam loss is taken out during the operation of the system and the main valve is always sealed up by condensate. Float and Thermostatic traps or F&T traps will never lose the prime and conk out after the system is started. These F&T traps also include a modulated release of steam space pressure variations, which are used for a closer temperature control application. These are float traps and that means that these traps contain floats inside. The F&T floats are made from stainless steel. This means that these traps are strong, corrosion proof and shock and surge resistant. These traps can withstand water hammer and excessive amounts of heat. They offer a stainless steel valve trim that is also corrosion proof.

The FT14 Series includes the IFT14 and the FT14C; they have a PMO range of 65 psig, 145 psig and the 200 psig. Unlike other traps, there are many components to these traps, there is the trap body that is available in 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2 and 2 inches, the Cover Bolting, Cover Gasket, Cover, Valve Seat, Main Valve assembly, Air Vent, Ball Float and Lever and the Inlet Baffle just to name a few main parts. There is an optional SLR available; this part is used to stop steam from locking up when the condensate has to be brought through the trap. There is also an option vacuum breaker that is installed into the trap, this is used to break the vacuum on a system shutdown, and this will prolong the life of the trap. These traps are best used for applications where temperatures are controlled such as unit heaters, air heating cols, heat exchangers and steam main drip stations. These traps are great for working steam pressure of 465 psi and a condensate loads that range up to 300,000 pounds. There are other Spirax Sarco Float & Thermostatic models available, the FT14, IFT14, FT14C, FT15, FT30, FT125, FT175, FT150 and FT200 just to name a few. These traps are easy to service and maintain and they should be cleaned out every three months or so. These traps are built to last; they do not allow steal leaks because they are built with a maximum thermal efficiency.


  1. Always make sure to clean the gasket surface well before installing a new gasket. Make sure to get all of the old gasket off by scraping it really well. We used to use a putty knife to clean.

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