Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Slant Fin Eutectic Oil Fired Boilers


WeT HeaD KnowledgeSlant Fin has been in business of boilers, baseboard and radiant heating for many years. There are millions of homes across the world that have a Slant Fin product heating their homes. They have a huge inventory of gas and oil fired boilers. Oil fired boilers have been overshadowed by gas and electric boilers over the years but more homeowners are looking into the oil fired boilers once again. Slant Fin has an impressive inventory of oil-fired boilers but one series that stands out is the Eutectic Series.

This series contains 2 different models the EC-10 and the EC-20. If you are interesting in replacing your old boiler with a new oil fired boiler, we can help you discover the Slant Fin Eutectic Series Boilers. We will uncover the features and the specifications of each model and you can make an informed decision on which model will work best in your home. All Slant Fin Oil Fired Boilers have a great reputation for being high performance boilers. You may be able to qualify for a tax credit from the Federal Government.

The EC-10 Oil Fired Boiler is one high performance boiler in the Slant Fin inventory. This oil-fired boiler is made from a durable cast iron eutectic heat exchanger that is 100% resistant to thermal shock and rust and corrosion. While the strength of the cast iron protects the boiler, it also is very flexible when it comes to lower temperatures. In the long run this will start to save you money on your heating bills. What makes this boiler series so different than others is that it has a one of kind three pass heat design that allows the ultimate heat exchanger contact. The AFUE is 87% making this boiler extremely efficient and it will save you money on heating and electric costs. Since this style boiler has the three pass design, it runs on a much quieter basis. This boiler has its own control panel that uses only the best Honeywell Aquastat and tridicator controls.

The combustion chamber uses a direct heat to transfer the heat to the rest of the system. The flame on this boiler is an impressive 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, which will help heat up the boiler walls faster. Since the system has a tightly sealed chamber and boiler sections provide overfire pressure that ensures maximum heat. Most oil fired boilers have chimney ventilations but with the Ec-10 you can vent this boiler right to the outside with a flexible venting option. In with the good air and out with the bad air.

The EC-10 is designed to be used with hot water systems. It has a capacity of 88,660 BTU’s to 160,270 BTU’s. In the EC-10 Series there are 4 different modes, the EC-13 that is a 3 Section Boiler, the EC-14 has 4 Sections, the EC-15 has 5 Sections and the EC-16 has 6 Sections. On each of these oil fired boilers you will see that they offer dependable and sure fire burners available in your choice of Carlin, Riello and Beckett.

Slant Fin Eutectic EC-20 Oil Boilers

The Slant Fin Eutectic EC-20 is an oil-fired boiler that was designed to be used with a hot water system. Like the Ec-10, the Ec-20 is made from a Eutectic cast iron heat exchanger for guard against shock, corrosion and rust. This boiler is also a 3 Pass System but has a heating capacity of 217,000 BTU’s to 350,000 BTU’s. This boiler has a hinged and reversible door that swings out for faster cleaning and maintenance. This boiler is Energy Star rated which means that the design of this boiler was specifically made to help save you money on heating and electric costs. With the 3 Pass System, there is a lot more room for thermal expansion of the flue gases to help keep the flame and the burner to a low decibel. This boiler is easy to clean even with all of the different operating modes. This oil-fired boiler is energy efficient with an 87% rating.

Some of the other features of the EC-20 are the availability of the Carlin EZ 1, Pro and Riello Burners. Slant Fin offers a limited lifetime warranty and there is a direct vent options available. You will find that all of the piping connections are at the back of the boiler in order to keep the boiler from looking nice without pipes sticking all out of it. There are 4 different models in the EC-20 Series, the EC-25 has 5 Sections, the EC-26 has 6 Sections, EC-27 has 7 Sections and the EC-28 has 8 Sections. Some of the common features are the reset high limit switch that is able to control the safety of the water temperature of the boiler. There is a complete system information center; it has digital readouts of all of the boiler water temperatures. It even keeps track of the outdoor temperature and the domestic hot water temperature.

Whether you choose the EC-10 or the EC-20, you are getting an energy efficient oil fired boiler. These boilers are quiet and they are effective and efficient. There are 8 different models combined in the EC-10 and the EC-20 models that you should have no trouble at all choosing the right size oil fired boiler to fit your house. It is important to do an annual maintenance on your Eutectic Oil Fired Boiler. This will help prolong the life expectancy of your boiler. This boiler has the resistance and the flexibility that you need to operate your home heating systems. These boilers are low maintenance and offer many good years of service especially when they are taken care of. Depending on which model you choose the price ranges from $1,500 to $2600.00 prices may vary depending on place of purchase.


  1. Heating oil prices paid by consumers are determined by the cost of crude oil, the cost to produce the product, the cost to market and distribute the product, as well as the profits (sometimes losses) of refiners, wholesalers and dealers. In 2001, distribution and marketing costs accounted for 46 percent of the cost of a gallon of heating oil. The next largest component, crude oil, accounted for approximately 42 percent of the cost of a gallon of heating oil. Lastly, refinery processing costs account for another 12 percent.Now a days Current Heating Oil Prices is also an issue because its a nessessity of everyone.

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