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SafeLink Wireless Cell Phone Program


SafeLink Wireless Cell Phone Program is a program that is supported by the United States government. This program was designed to help consumer get free cell phones and free cell phone service. There are thousands of people who are on some type of assistance such as HEAP, Food Stamps or SSI. If you are currently receiving these services then you qualify for the SafeLink Service. To become eligible for SafeLink you must fill out an enrollment application and that would depend on whether you qualify based on income and other services you are receiving.SafeLink Wireless Cell Phone Program

SafeLink is the Lifeline Program but it is available on cell phones. Some say cell phones are luxuries but for some families it is a necessity and that is why the federal government supports this program. The Lifeline Service on SafeLink Wireless allows discounts on monthly telephone services. When you qualify you will receive free cell service, free SafeLink Wireless cell phone and you will never receive a bill in the mail. There are options for minutes that you can get through the SafeLink website. SafeLink Wireless is proud to offer Lifeline Service to those who are truly in need of help.

Learn About SafeLink

The Safe Link program is not for everyone, it is based on consumers who are income eligible to receive these phones. These are not everyday phones that have cameras or phones that can download music. These phones are for consumers who need a phone for their family to survive but cannot afford the prices of the regular cell phone bills. Back in 1984 when Lifeline was started, it was intended for the disabled and the elderly who could not afford to pay their high phone bills. This service is for those who are really in need of help when it comes to phone service.

SafeLink Wireless Cell Phone Program

With SafeLink, the Lifeline Program can now be used with cell phones. TracFone Wireless is footing the bill for the phone and the phone service so it is not being used by taxpayer money. These cell phones offers features that are mostly needed such as voicemail, three way calling, texting, call waiting, caller id and 911 access. Currently SafeLink is not available in all 50 states but in states like New York, New jersey, Washington, North Carolina, Massachusetts and Michigan just to name a few. You can check the SafeLink website for a complete list of states that are using the Safelink System.

How to Enroll in Safe Link

The Safe Link Wireless Phone is not available to everyone; you must be income eligible to receive these services. If you are eligible then you can benefit from the program. You will receive Free Cell Service, Free Cell Phone and Free Minutes. To see if SafeLink is available in your area, on the SafeLink website you will see an Enroll button, click on it and type in your zip code. Once you know if the service is available, you can fill out the application. The application will ask for your name, address, email, phone number, birth date and social security number. Then you will need the enrollment validation code. Then you will be asked to provide additional information.

If you receive Food Stamps, Family Assistance, HEAP, Medicaid, SSI or Safety Net Assistance then you qualify. Your household income must meet the requirements to qualify. Your total income must be below 135 % of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If a family already has Lifeline on a phone then you do not qualify. To meet eligibility requirement you must show proof of income such as SSI Statement, 4 months of Consecutive Pay stubs, Medicaid Statements or a letter from your employer.

Safe Link Wireless Airtime

When you need to purchase airtime for your SafeLink phone it could not be made more convenient for you. You can actually purchase minutes right for your own phone. Simply press the menu key on your SafeLink phone. You will see a Prepaid logo appear on your screen, press Select. Then by using your arrow keys choose the Redeem Airtime option and hit Select three times. The phone will ask for a card number and you will enter the 15 digit Airtime Pin, you will find the pin on the back of the card. You will have scratch off the pin number located under the silver strip. Double check the numbers and press ok, now your phone is loaded with more airtime.

If you cannot find the SafeLink cards, TracFone Airtime Cards can be used as well. You can find these cards at your local Walmart, CVS, Kmart, Target, Walgreen’s, Family Dollar and Rite Aid Stores. If you could not find the SafeLink cards the TracFone minutes convert to SafeLink. For example, if you buy a TracFone Card for 60 minutes it is 100 SafeLink minutes and if you buy 120 TracFone cards, it is 150 SafeLink minutes. The TracFone and the Safe Link Minutes are both good for 90 days.

SafeLink Wireless Enrollment Verification

In order to keep your SafeLink System in place, you will be asked to verify your name, date of birth, SafeLink Wireless Phone Number and the state in which you reside. Then you will be asked to certify that you are either the Head of Household and that you are not claimed as a dependant on someone else’s federal or state tax return or that you receive the Lifeline support for a phone line serving in your residential address from the SafeLink System and no other resident at the address currently has a Lifeline account.

This is done to ensure that only people who are in a real need for the SafeLink service can receive the service. Once you submit the information online you are stating that under the penalty of perjury that the information is valid. If the information is not valid you will lose the service and other charges may be added. While verification is being done, if there any red flags, someone from SafeLink will contact you.

There are hundreds of people out there that can use some help with their bills. SafeLink is a great program that was designed and support by the federal government to help those people who need to have continuous phone service whether it is for a disability; you have children in the home or for the elderly. These programs can beneficial to your family so make sure that you fill out the application honestly and have the verification proof available when you need it.

If you lie on the application is a under the Penalty of Perjury and that can result in not just in the loss of the service but a fine or jail time may be imposed. SafeLink is here for people because they need the help and not just so they can receive a free phone. If you want more information check out the SafeLink website. Make sure that you understand the rules of eligibility as well as the terms and conditions before accepting a phone from SafeLink.


  1. I appreciate my cell phone but I cannot detect the letters and numbers. Can you send me a phone with larger numbers and letters (please)?

  2. Excuse me, do I have to sign any contracts when it comes here?
    And where do they leave the phone, in your mailbox or do they give them to you personally ?

  3. Can i buy another used tracphone then switch the service (like the number and the free service) to the other one if i break this one

  4. About the pin number, you may be right about the pin on bought air time cards, but I recieved a free promo in the mail and I have no idea where the pin number is. For some reason I keep thinking its under the battery but I still don’t know. I have been surfing for about 10min looking for an answer and have only found your site so far. So if you have an answer for me please email it to me. Thank you so much

  5. Cool, except they monitor all your conversations, and the phones only use one ring tone, “Gold Digger”.

  6. I have a safelink phone but I am having trouble with it. It will not recharge. I have tried and tried but unfortunatly its dead. Now what?

  7. for broken safelink phones, you can contact the safelink custoer care center and tell the representatives egarding your concern…. and the representatives will be happy to assist you guys…

  8. regarding pin nummber…. you can actually see it at the back of the airtime card… its hidden underneath the grayed part so you have to scratch it lightly with a coin. and what reveals is yoour airtime pin number.. you can buy it a retailers like walmart, walgreen, raadio shack, office max and cvs pharmacy. hope this are helpful to you guys

  9. you can change phone number provided that you have a valid reason for changing it… to individuals who qualifies for the program, phones are actually sent to their respective address and not to p.o. boxes. for other concerns, please feel free to contact the safelink customer care center. or check out thier website at i forgot their hotline number…

  10. I was told i can get a safelink phone….but i dont have a printer to print out the application. my friend got hers in the mail… how do i as well?

  11. To whom it may concern:
    My phone died and I was told I would receive a box to ship it back. I have not heard from anyone since nor can I contact a person when I call customer service. I am reference #1036513632. How many more weeks before I hear from someone at Safe Link?
    D Napolitano

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