Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Pool Perfect + PHOSfree


It is so important to help keep your swimming pool’s water chemistry even. Some pool owners believe that placing some chlorine into the skimmer basket creates a chemically treated swimming pool. But there are some products out there that can treat your swimming pool with less harsh chemicals.Pool Perfect + PHOSfree

One of the best companies out there is Natural Chemistry Inc. The company began in 1989 with a very small office but a huge message. Natural Chemistry created natural enzymes with their first round of technology. Natural Chemistry prides their business in being ” green” and it has become more popular than ever. Natural Chemistry’s products do not contain any harsh chemicals, detergents or any other harmful ingredients. Instead of adding chemicals to your pool that are bad for the environment and bad for you, they offer a full line of natural products. Let’s take a look at what other products Natural Chemistry has to offer.

Pool Perfect +PHOSfree

Pool Perfect + PHOSfree
This product offers a no phosphate build up and it can also guarantee that your pool will remain algae free when you use Pool Perfect+ PHOSfree.You will also find that you are using the filter cleaning cycles less and less. You will notice that by using this product that you are not spending a lot of time on the pool’s maintenance anymore. Pool Perfect +PHOSfree doesn’t create water lines or ring lines around the pool’s water surface. Your skin will actually feel softer and smoother after swimming in a pool with Pool Perfect+ PHOSfree. You may ask why you need to protect your pool from phosphates. Phosphates can enter your swimming pool through lawn fertilizers, chemical and cleaners, rainwater and even from body fluids and waste. By using this product it will eliminate the phosphates from settling into your swimming pool. The recommended dosage of Pool Perfect +PHOSfree is one capful per 8000 gallons of water every week.

Pool Perfect

Natural Chemistry Pool Perfect
Why should you use Pool Perfect in your swimming pool? There are so many reasons why you want to improve the water quality of the swimming pool. By using Pool Perfect you can dispose of any skin and eye irritations that normally occur with chlorine. You will get rid of any strong chemicals odors also caused by chlorine. You will use your filter a lot less when you use Pool Perfect and this can save you some money in the long run. By using Pool Perfect your pool won’t need sop much maintenance anymore. Plus it will leave your skin and hair smoother and softer. The recommended dosage of the Pool Perfect is 100 ml per week. Pool Perfect will remove any remnants of sun tan lotions or body oils as well as hair products and make up. We hardly think of these things as we swim in the pool but there are many causes of why your swimming pool needs to get the right treatments every week.


Natural Chemistry Phos Free Pool Cleaner
By using the treatment PHOSfree you will decrease the amount of phosphates in your swimming pool. Algae feeds off of phosphates and when you use PHOSfree you are limiting the amount of food the algae gets and you can have an algae free swimming pool all summer long. Natural Chemistry guarantees when you use PHOSfree you will have no more phosphate or algae. Plus you will spend less time vacuuming your swimming pool and less time on any maintenance to your filter. You will also be enhancing the sanitizers to the swimming pool. By using all of the products you are choosing an alternative to chlorine and other harsh products that can cause skin rashes and eye irritations. You will notice how soft and smooth your skin and your hair will feel after swimming in a pool with Pool Perfect+PHOSfree, PHOSfree and Pool Perfect. Just follow the directions on the bottle and make a schedule so you won’t forget to add these Natural Chemistry Pool Products. You are getting a great alternative to chlorine plus a great way to contribute to going green. You are doing something great for your family and the environment.


  1. I used this product as my clear pool turned green when the temps hit 90. IThe chemicals are perfect and I have shocked and shocked! I have brushed the pool daily. Stll have algae.I do not know what do to next! Any one with a suggestion ?

    • Hi Amy,

      What type of swimming pool filter do you have? Do you have a sand, DE, or cartridge. Please let me know and I can help further,


  2. Okay here we go again. Sand filter,(have used for 5 years) 18x 30 pool, New sand added April 10 2010. Chemicals balanced except for the chlorine which is high. Have used drop out twice and both times vacuumed to waste.Then waited 36 hours with the filter running 24/7, and added clarifier, hoping to bind the dead debris for easy filter removal.NOT! Pool water tested at my pool store this morning. Balanced as I said except for high chlorine level. Pool is cloudy and green. They checked for phosphates which were very high, said I have no new algae growth, recommended Phosfree to lower the phosphates and therefore destroy/remove the floating algae. I brush the pool everyday, keep the filter running 24 hours a day since April 10.
    Question, how long before I can expect to see a change in my water quality after I add the phosfree?
    I have never had such a problem with our pool in the past.
    addendum: It is 2pm, I added the phosfree at 11am, The pool it looking blueer clearer so maybe……

  3. Okay It is 9 am 22 hours since I added the phosfree, the pool has changed very little, it remains cloudy blue/green in color, I am unable to see the bottom, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, can anyone give me advise. Should i wait longer for the phos free, my pump/filter has run for weeks 24/7.

    • Amy,
      Have been where you are. This year I purchased something called Green to Clean from the website they also sell the phosfree. You need one container of green to clean for every 8,000 gal. of water in your pool, you add it then wait 5 minutes and add 2 pounds of granular chlorine (not shock). It turned my pool crystal blue. I will never use anything else.

      • Thank you Lynn, I did get the pool back to blue with algeazone plus. then used Pool First Aid, Pool is blue but remains cloudy. I am so frustrated.I do not know what to do to get this pool clear.I have used drop out /vacuum to waste, but the vacuuming does stir up the debris and after I am done the pool is cloudy again. I have used super Blue clarifier. My chemicals are spot on. Any chance the green to clean will remove the tiny debris that is keeping my pool cloudy?

        • We had that problem a couple of years ago. We used to use metal free, DE powder, chlorine and algaecide alone and did ok, but a couple of years ago my pool was greener than it should be and cloudy for weeks no matter what we did. One of the pool stores kept selling us product after product and we finally got frustrated and went to a new pool store. They tested our water for black algae, which is uncommon in our area but that year was a problem due to a storm series that blew a lot of strange things into our area. I can’t remember what the algaecide they recommended was, but we had to use a different one because black algae is different and they also recommended Phos Free, which we had never used before. It took a little bit but a combination of the specific algaecide for the black algae, Phos free, a couple of thorough vacuumings, and a good sweeping of the bottom and sides, it finally cleared up. I think we may have also cleaned the filter a couple of extra times but I can’t remember for sure. If you just can’t get rid of the problem you might want to check into that considering the strange weather we have this year.

          Now we open the pool with Metal Free (because we use well water to fill our pool and it contains metals), a shock level of chlorine, and DE powder for the filter. Once the metal free has done it’s job, we completely clean the pool filter to get rid of all the metal debris. Then we use Phos Free, DE powder (DE powder goes in first if your filter uses it), and chlorine. I vacuum several times over the first week and sweep the entire pool at least once. This usually takes care of everything.

          After that we skim and add appropriate chlorine daily, vacuum a couple of times a week, and sweep, clean the filter, and add phos free once a week. My pool is always clean, clear, and soft and the only chemical level that is ever off is the chlorine which I occasionally have to adjust if there is rain or extremely hot weather. This has been working beautifully for us.

          Hope maybe this can help you in some way.

  4. We didnt cover our pool this winter and its surrounded by maple trees. As you can guess, it was full of leaves and solid green. I went down to the local pool store and had the water tested. It had nothing in it. They told me to vaccum it first, so i did. Then they gave me flocculant and told me to add it, wait 24 hrs, then vaccum again, so i did. Then they gave me oxidizer (baquacil brand) 2 gallons and i added it. The water became foamy and lots of bebris floated to the top. After about 2 days it turned from green to a cloudy sky blue. I went back again and they told me to change my sand and put in the sanitizer. I added the specified amount and 2 days later i can see the bottom. The algea appears to still be present on the bottom of the pool where i might have missed it while vaccuming blindly. I will clean it out as soon as the weather breaks but i dont want to fight it all summer long. Will the phosfree help me with this issue?

  5. Do I need to shock my pool after adding Phos-free?
    I checked my chlorine level and it is almost 0, Prior to adding phos-free I had shocked 3 times in 4 day’s (13pounds of shock total) wouldn’t this level of shock still be present in the pool water>? So confused..any help appreciated.

    • Hi

      No, You want to use pool perfect and phos free, Phosphates are what Algae eat, so if you add pool perfect and phos free the Algae will just die cause they have no food and then they will be filtered out of the pool.

      Make sure to brush your pool and to stay on top of the bask washing,

      let me know if you need more help.


  6. Hi – we had a new liner put in and added 27,500 gallons of new water – it was blue and beautiful until the motor blew (sand filter). Within a week, the algae set in. We got the new motor two weeks ago, and have been running it 24/7 – added all the chemicals the pool guy said to add – and now its blue/green in the shallow end – and green, murky, awful in the deep end – and nothing has changed in two weeks. My husband has brushed and vaccumed, shocked, nothing is working – my question: if we buy the phosfree with pool perfect (3 liter), will this clear it up? How would you recommend tackling this and how long should it take to get it back to blue? Detailed advice greatly appreciated!! Also, do we add it to the skimmer? Just want to handle safely and the right way, and we are pool-challenged! Thank you so much!


  7. I have algae growth issues every summer, but try to keep on top of it with algae terminator, extra shock, keep skimmer full of 3” chlorine tabs, lots of cleaning, etc. I am surrounded by trees and fields, so my neighbor told me about Pool Perfect + Phosfree and gave me the test stripes to use. My reading was of course off the charts. So I bought the PP + Phosfree and put it in my pool on Tuesday, ran the filter over 24 hrs, added more shock, and then next day my water went from green to brown. Thursday, I added more Phosfree, ran filter, added more shock, and have the auto-vac running all day today. I can only see to the top step of my ladder, same as the day after I added the first dose of Phosfree. I have a 30’ round, 52” deep pool that I have had open two weeks now, using the Phosfree + Pool Perfect product for 4 days. Can you tell me when I should be able to see a noticeable result so I know if I need to move on to something new? I have used two full doses of algae terminator (at $23 per bottle each), so I know the algae is dead.

    • Hi Wendy,

      What does the pool look like now?

      Can you tell me the water condition or send in a picture?

      Then I can help you further.

      Thanks so much,


  8. pool chemicals test perfect pool is as cloudy as can be. anybody got any advise? I’ve tested myself and had it tested at the pool place I have done everything they have told me to and everything that I have researched online cannot get rid of cloudiness. Pool is above ground 18 foot x 48 inch with a really inexpensive filter system but we’ve had it for two years now no trouble at all last year crystal clear all year. please advise

  9. we’ve used 6 bottles of the start up phosfree and the weekly dosage… still testing high on phosphates. does this stuff work or are we wasting money???

  10. PhosFree: I’ve had a terrible experience with this product. My local pool stores, in fact 2 separate stores recommended this product to me to decrease phosphate levels, which were ~ 1,000 ppm.
    I explained the pool setup we have, which is salt water [electronic chlorine generator], with a diatomaceous earth filter. I read the instructions and also was instructed on how to use the product, by the pool stores. Within seconds of pouring PhosFree into the skimmer, the pressure went from a healthy 12-13, up to 15, then within 1.5-2 hours, pressure climbs to 23. At this pressure, the filter stops functioning, no water movement whatsoever. So I ‘bump’ the filter, pressure decreases temporarily. Within another 2 hours, the pressure is back to 23. Absolutely ridiculous. It’s completely gummed up the system and even backwashing isn’t successful as obviously this product is floating around throughout the pool and will continue to gum up with diatomaceous earth filter.

    So if you have a similar pool set up, I would advise against using this product. There isn’t a warning on this product re: filters/salt-water pools, so this product was obviously not tested in this environment and should be pulled from the shelf immediately.

  11. Phos-Free in a salt water / diatomaceous earth filter. Absolutely horrendous product. Sends your pressure sky-high, even after bumping / back-washing, resulting in zero circulation every 2 hours. Would never touch it again with a 10 foot pole.

  12. Has anyone had trouble with pool perfect+phosfree staining their pool liner and white plastic steps a very light brown, the same color as this product? My pool liner was fine before I used this product for the first time. I had to use 2 lbs of ascorbic acid to get rid of stains. My water tested clean of any metal before and after using this product. The pool stayed cystal clear for three days after acid bath. I had a zero reading of chlorine due to the acid bath. I put liquid chlorine back in today to bring up the levels and the light brown stain is coming back within hours that fast.I don’t have a water heater!This is the only new chem. that I have tried in the last 11 years, whats up? Need help please advise.

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