Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Top 5 Ice Maker Troubleshooting Tips


WeT HeaD KnowledgeIf you are having trouble with your ice maker unit you can do something they call “ice maker troubleshooting”. This is a process of testing things one by one to figure out what the problem is with the unit. There are a few common things that will cause your ice maker not to work like a clogged water filter, no water to the unit and even in some cases using a saddle valve during the installation of the ice maker kit will prevent your ice maker from working.

You will need a few tools to troubleshoot your ice maker unit. You will need an open end wrench, Flathead screwdriver and a bucket. If you are not comfortable with trying to repair your own ice maker, then you could always call an appliance repair company to come out diagnose the troublesome ice maker unit for you.

Problem: No Water To The Ice Maker

If you have been trying to use your ice maker but you have no water there are a few things that you will want to check. You will want to first make sure that the ice maker is connected to a water source. You can do this by looking at the back of the refrigerator or the ice maker unit to see if the water supply tubing is hooked up. Just because the refrigerator has an ice maker does not mean its hook up. Often times many people buy refrigerators and never hook up the ice maker, and then a new person buys the home and wonders why they have no ice.

The nest thing you will want to check is to make sure that the valve that supplies the ice maker is turned on. You will need to locate the water supply valve which can be located under the kitchen sink or sometimes in the basement if you have one. Make sure that the saddle valve or the angle stop valve is turned on at least 80% of the way and then you should have water to your ice maker.

Problem: Ice Trays or Mold is Not Being Refilled

If your ice trays or mold are not filling up this will usually mean you have a water supply problem. You will first want to make sure the water supply valve is open. If your water supply valve is open then next thing you will want to check is the water filter. A water filter that has not been changed for a while will become clogged and then not allow the proper flow of water to reach the ice maker. So make sure to check out and change the water supply filter.

If your water supply valve is on and your filter has been replaced or is still good you will want to see if you can hear the water valve being energized. If you can not hear the water valve working you will want to call a licensed appliance service technician to come help you diagnose your ice maker.

Problem: Small or Too Few Ice Cubes

If your ice maker is working but the ice cubes are to small and the unit seems to be producing less ice then normal then you may want to check the thermometer inside of your refrigerator or ice maker. The freezer or the ice maker should be below 14 degrees Fahrenheit. You also will want to make sure that the ice maker has enough water supply. If you have just installed the ice maker using a saddle valve that could be your problem and you might want to install a full port valve to supply the ice maker unit. You will also want to make sure that the ice maker mold thermostat is cycling correctly.

Problem: There Are Specks In The Ice cubes

If you are finding dark specs in your ice or ice cube tray then this usually means that the protective coating that lines your ice maker is starting to get old and wear off. When you see this start happen, the best thing you can do is to replace the ice maker.

Problem: The Ice Maker Ice Tastes Bad

If the ice cubes that are being made by your ice maker are starting to taste bad chances are you will need to change your water filter. Water filters need to be changed because after a period of time they will start to become full of all the debris then have been removing from the water. You will want to replace the filter on your ice maker more often then normal if you use your ice maker more then the average person.


  1. It isn’t the water filter making the ice taste bad. I tried that. The water also taste fine from the chilled/filtered water dispenser. I only get this bad taste after thenice melts into the glass of ice water. I read online so e tips such as using bleach or chlorine in the water filter and running through the system to kill any mold, etc. I did this, then replaced the filter with a newone and flushed the system through, ice and chilled water. The ice still makes it taste bad. It may have been a little better for a week or 2 but its hard to say. Its stil bad though is the bottom line. Can you help? Should I replace the plastic water supply lines to the system?

    • I’m curious if you have a water softener.
      That sometimes leaves an objectionable taste.

      I would try a good quality carbon block filter an see if that helps other wise you may want to try a reverse osmosis water filter.

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