Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

How To Hook Up An Above Ground Pool Filter System


There will be several things that you will need to connect to get your above ground swimming pool filter set up and running for the pool season. You will first need to locate all the parts that were put away when you closed your swimming pool.
How To Hook Up An Above Ground Pool Filter System

Connecting the skimmer:

In order to connect the skimmer to the pump you will need to take one of the pool hose and put a hose clamp on each end. You will need to take one end of your hose and connect it to the bottom of the skimmer that is on the pool wall. You will now want to take the other end of the pool hose and connect it to the front of the swimming pool pump. After you have connected both ends you will want to tighten the hose clamps thoroughly.

Connecting the pool return:

You will now want to get another pool hose just like the one that you used to hook up the pool pump to the skimmer and also put hose clamps on each end of this pool hose. You will want to take one end of the pool hose and connect it to the return fitting on the pool wall. You will now want to take the other end of the pool hose and connect it to the “return to pool” fitting which is usually at the top of the filter. Once you have connected both ends you will want to tighten the hose clamps.

Hooking Up The In-line Chlorine Feeder:

Many above ground pools have in line pool chlorine feeders like the one pictured above. The one thing that you need to know is the the Chlorinator has to be hooked up with the direction of flow in mind. Most chlorine feeders like the Hayward Chlorinator will have an arrow on the side that will tell you which way the flow of water should be. Your Chlorine feeder will either hook up with hoses or it can be also hard piped into the top of the pool filter. Make sure to tighten all hose clamps on the inlet and the outlet of the swimming pool Chlorine feeder as well.

Connecting the Pump discharge to the filter:

Most above ground swimming pool systems like Hayward pool products will use a union between the pump and the filter as you can see in the above picture. Some other brands will use a hose that will connect from the top of the pool pump (discharge) and then connect to a mutliport valve on the top of the pool filter. So if you have a union like the one that is pictured above you will want to tighten the union nut with a large pair of water pump pliers. If you do not have a Hayward filter system and your pool pump has a hose fitting on the top you will then want to connect one end of the hose to this fitting and the other end of the hose to the “pump in” on the filter. Make sure to use hose clamps on each end of this hose as well. Make sure to also tighten these hose clamps.


  1. What is wrong when you hook up your hoses and you are not getting any water pressure? Even when I backwash there is no water pressure

  2. Hi Donna,

    Do you have the water in the swimming pool all the way filled to “mid skimmer”.

    Is this an above ground pool or in ground pool. What type of pool pump and filter do you have.

    Please let me know and I can then diagnose your problem

  3. I have the same “no water pressure” problem in an above ground pool. We have an Artesian pools pump and sand filter.

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  5. I would like to hard plumb my filter on my above ground pool. I am looking for some guidance/pictures on how to hard plumb. I am concerned the flex hoses put too much preasure on the pool wall fittings. Any help is appreciated

  6. Hi Bob,

    No Problem,

    You will just need to run the pipe with ridgid PVC vs hoses.

    Do you want me to make a material list for you>If so, tell me what type of pool and filter system you have and I can tell you what you will need.

    I will also look for some pictures and post them for you in the next 24 – 36 hours, make sure to stop back, also let me know if you want that material list,


  7. I have a proline filter, 1 1/2 HP motor. I was trying to find pictures on a set up. I guess my biggest issue are the hook ups off of the skimmer and back to the pool outlet. I have a fairly simple set up. From the skimmer to the pump, out of the filter, to an autoclorinator, back to the pool. I wanted to hard plumb because I think the hose puts alot of pressure on the output and it shakes also which can’t be good for the connection. I have an above ground 30×15

    Appreciate the help.

  8. i have a in ground pool that we put in it was a above ground cant get no water presure when you first turn it on it has alott then it dies out

  9. it is a above ground pool but i put it all in the ground but 4 in i did figure out the answer it was the pool didnt have enough water in it to complete the skimmer of water

  10. this has been a great web site .it has been the only place i could even ask a question thanks to all i did learn alott

    • Hi Pierre,

      The reason you have any coming from the return jets is because the pump is sucking air from the suction side and then pumping the air into the pool. You should check all connections, o-rings and seals on the pump side. If you can get the pump “air free” the bubbles will stop at poolside,

      Please let me know if you have any more questions,


  11. Trying to replace a Hayward CL 200 chlorinator. Do you know where there may be some detailed info on how to do this?

    I have the replacement chlorinator, just trying to figure out if this is a job I can do myself or need to bring in someone.

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