Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Hercules Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant Review


The Hercules Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant is the preferred sealant of the professional plumber. The Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant is the highest performing sealant available on the market today. Megaloc is one of the easiest sealants to remove from your hands if accidentally spilled. Hercules Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant

It even comes off clothes too. This product from Hercules is made with the special DuPont KEVLAR making it stronger and more reliable than other sealants. The Megaloc can be used on stainless steel, copper, PVC, CPVC, ABS, Plastics and even Aluminum.

There is no harsh odor and it will not separate once it settles. Hercules Megaloc will not become hard, crack or weaken over time. If you need to take apart the connection, it will not damage the fitting, threads or pipe even years after applying Megaloc.MegalocMegaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant Plumbers who use Megaloc thread sealant find that it is easy to apply, you simply use the brush included in the can. You can use Megaloc at an impressive temperature range of minus twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. It will not leak and can be used with a hydraulic pressure of up to 12,000 psi and can stand up to gas pressure of 2,600 psi.

Hercules has designed the Megaloc to be used on many specific purposes such as Cutting Oils, Lubricating Oils, Compressed Air, Castor Oils, Diesel Fuels, Freon and heating Oils just to name a few. It is safe to use on drinking water lines and it does meet all CSA requirements. The product is not recommended to be used on any lines that have concentrated acids, alkalis, oxygen or ketones.

Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant is a non-toxic, non-hazardous product that has no lead or any harsh solvents. Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant is available in 8 different sizes ranging from 1.1 fl. Oz tube to 55-gallon bucket. In case of fire only use water and if there is an accidental leak or spillage and it has not ignited then you should use spray water to break up the vapors that have escaped into the air.

Hercules Megaloc is made up of Petroleum Oil, Talc, Kaolin and Silica just to name a few. The Megaloc Multi Purpose Thread Sealant is rated number one amongst plumbers and do it yourselfers alike. This product is durable and will hold up in any of the correct applications. Make sure that you read all of the safety information as well as read the instructions carefully before applying to any application. You can find this product in your local Ace Hardware, Lowes and Home Depot locations or your local hardware store.


  1. Hi;

    Purchased Megaloc Multi-Purpose Thread Sealant to use on the pipe fittings on my hot water system. Out of 6 fittings 3 leaked, Could no tighten to stop the leaks. New fittings, Stainless steel tank. Like some mentioned in one of the reviews, comes off your hands and clothes easily, including pipe threads. I stired it , thinking it had settled out,no effect. It is really thin, I had my doughts about it while using it before I turned on the water!

    Miles Parkkonen

  2. Can I use this sealant for NPT threads sealing R134A refrigerant. John Downs with Combustioneer Corp. 301-525-1785

  3. can i use this on wet treads in a tub water manifold on the seat to stop water that i been told that its leaking around the seat area !! as all is new !, but the manifold in the wall its from the 1940’s & i don’t want to rip open the living room wall to change it !!! thank you for your help steve

  4. I used this megaloc generously when installing a new home oil burner furnace. I used all new pipes during this install and now 1 year later more than half of all the black pipe threads have developed leaks. Save yourself the headache stick with what u know works.

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