Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

EdenPURE Heater Review


Maybe you have seen the late night infomercial or maybe you have seen an ad online but one thing is for sure and that is the EdenPURE System is one quickest rising products. More and more people are using the EdenPURE System to heat their homes. The EdenPURE System is an exceptional space heater. By using an EdenPURE Heater you can guarantee that your heating bills will be reduce by at least 50%.EdenPURE Heater Review

Once you read all about this heater you can also check out the Iheater Infrared Portable Heater which is also another type of heater that may help you lower your heating bills and keep your home warm. Many space heaters cause fires every year but with the EdenPURE Heater, it is safe due to the new Quartz Infrared Heating System. This system will never allow the heater to reach temperatures that are capable of starting fires. But the EdenPURE Heating System is one of the safest space heaters on the market today.

The EdenPURE Heater only gets a bit warm on the outside of the unit. It will never get hot, so it is safe enough to have with pets and small children. In addition to providing a great heating system, the EdenPure System can also help with your health. With other heating units like furnaces and other space heaters they tend to cause dry skin and they dry out the sinuses causing bloody noses.

There are 2 different models of the EdenPURE Heaters. The GEN3 Model 1000 and the Gen3 Model 500. The Model 1000 offers a Front Panel Push Button Controls, an ABS Co-Polymer Cabinet, which helps protect the heater. The design itself is made from galvanized steel on the inside and the outside is made from a polypropylene shell. The unit is compact with 17″ in height, 13″ wide and 18″ in depth. This unit is rated for about 5000 Btu’s, 1483 amps and 12.5 amps.
EdenPURE Heater
The GEN3 Model 1000 works with a IR Remote Control and can heat up to 1000 square feet. It does have a filter that needs to be cleaned periodically but it can be cleaned with warm water or even a vacuum hose. The filter is removed easily from the back of the unit and can be reinstalled just as easily. The GEN3 Model 500 offers a heating capacity of 2300 Btu’s and 300 square feet. The design of the GEN3 500 is made with a polypropylene outside and a galvanized steel inside. This will prolong the life of the heater on both the inside and the outside. The unit has a temperature adjustment panel that is easy to locate at the back of the unit. The unit works with a manual on and off switch and has a Copper Heat Exchanger. These units are made to conserve energy and save you money on your heating bills.

One of the best features about the EdenPURE System is that they can heat the room evenly. Most space heaters only heat the area surrounding the heater. But EdenPURE circulated the heat to work from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. There are no cold spots with this heating system.

This system is quickly becoming the best selling heating system and air purifier in the industry. One of benefits of using the EdenPURE System is that it is able to heat more than one room at a time. You don’t even have to place the heater in the middle of the room as you do with most other heaters. You can use the EdenPURE system in the corner or the room or near a wall and you will still get the maximum efficiency from the heater. But the amount each room gets will depend on how much space is available in each room. The EdenPURE System is perfect for heating all rooms in the house but it is not recommended for use in the bathroom or laundry room because of the amount of moisture that is used in these rooms.

One of the best parts of this product is that it can last about 10 years. Most space heaters do not have a life of more than 5 years or so. You are getting a great product that can actually save you money. Everyone who has tried these units has had nothing but great things to say. The main compliment is that the heating capacity is excellent. EdenPURE is not available ins stores yet but you can order online. The company offers a one-year warranty and a full factory warranty. If you want to save money on your heating bills and you want to improve the air quality in your home then look no further, you want to invest in an EdenPURE System. You will happy you did.


  1. Shame on Bob Vila, he starts out talking about the heat you loose through your unsealed duct work and than instead of giving you an answer like use Mastic Sealnt to seal most of those ducts he gives you EdenPure! How does using more electricity save you money? It doesn’t! Does it save you money to seal all those leaky ducts with Mastic? Yes!This is what he should be endorsing

    • My parents are saving $500.00 plus each month on their heating bills using two of these heaters. It depends on what you are using to heat your house whether you are going to save lots of money or not. They have not had to use their LP gas furnace since they have been using these heaters. They are not suitable for every situation, but they do work wonders in some.

      • My energy efficient gas heater is cheaper to run than any electric heater here in Upstate NY, and sealing the ducts are vital for saving money. From the comments I’ve read on the internet these Edenpure heaters are junk and defending them to me is a waste of time. Thanks

        • Defending them? I am just stating a fact. Some people are finding them a way to keep warm and save money on their utilities. The cost of heating a home is different in different parts of the country. I am using one as a space heater and I am saving money on natural gas. Natural gas in my area has increased to the point that electric heat is cheaper. If you are satisfied with your heating bills then maybe you don’t need to look for alternatives. I was a skeptic at first, but I have become a believer from personal experience and knowing those who have used these things. I am not endorsing or recommending them to anyone. I am just stating that they do work in certain situations.

        • I’m in Kentucky. And I have been using my Eden pure again this year. Same one that I had last year. It has saved us on our bills so far this year. The outside temperature has started getting in the low thirtys and fortys at night. We have kept a warm 76 on the inside. My biggest problem with the Eden Pure heaters is that high price tag. They are really too expensive for a space heater. I guess you have to weigh whether they would pay for themselves or not in utility savings. That alone really prevents me from recommending them. Also if the temperature is below freezing outside, they have helped in keeping my main house heater from running all the time. You won’t break out in a sweat, but you will be warm. I would say that my house is an older home, about 60 years old, so it is not well insulated.

    • I’m curious; could I get someone to crawl into my crawl space and seal the leaks in my ducts for $400 or less?

  2. After reading all the comments on the Eden Pure I am a little worried. We purchased four (1000’s) a few months ago. I use one upstairs, one downstairs, one in a company office and gave one to my parents for christmas. So far we love them. I use the one upstairs mainly in our living room which is about 1000 square feet and I have been able to turn our gas down to 65 degrees. In our company office we turned the electric heat off altogether and use only the eden pure. We liked them so much we gave one to my parents in the hopes that it will replace their fireplace heat. I guess time will tell as to the durability of the product, but so far I really love ours

    • Sounds like Cindy has money to burn. She spent over $1,200 on 4 EdenPures. I don’t spend $1,200 on all my utilities in an entire winter! No matter how little it costs to run an EdenPure, you are doing your parents a major disservice by trying to replace their wood-burning stove. Wood is still the cheapest heat source.

      • Sounds like Ty has a lot of time on his hands; our old parents may not have the time or energy to be heating with wood.

      • Ty, She said a fireplace not a wood stove. I have a fireplace and it doesn’t heat my living room well enough to really save me since it requires a fan to run with it as part of the ventilation. I do not own one of the EdenPure heater but I did purchase an electric heater after doing lots of research. I wanted something to help cut the cost of heating fuel, not cost a lot in electric and was cool to touch so safe for children and pets. I paid 154.00 for the heater I got and my electric bill went up 30.00 but with the temperatures we were having in Delaware this past February it saved me 250.00 in fuel. My living room actually was more comfortable then with my fuel heat because we tried to conserve it. Some one in New York had used the heater I got for several years and it saved them money. The reviews I read were on Amazon and other places on the internet. I am now thinking of getting 1 more to have to heat an area that I don’t worry about heating unless the grand kids stay. My house heat stays set at 58 so I won’t have to worry about pipes if it too cold. The area we spend most time in will be anywhere from 71 to 74 depending on how windy it is. I also have lots of windows in which I allow the sunshine to heat up my house to save on the electric heat. My AC cost me more to run then this heater does. I started to look at this heater but it cost more then the one I have now so will probably just get another one like I use now.

      • Wow! I live in a town in mid Virginia in a big, house built in the 1880’s to 1940’s in three sections. It cost $600 to $980 a month last winter. It was especially snowy in Virginia, but that’s been the norm for 20 years and getting more expensive each winter. I have steam heat, supposed to be an efficient system, but sure isn’t working for me. Glad you spend less than $1200 a year in heating, but it sure isn’t reality for a lot of us. I’ve been reading reviews and this looks like it might be a solution to our cold downstairs and overheated upstairs and just use natural gas to keep a nice 65 where we need it to protect the pipes in the winter.

  3. Purchased a Sunn-twin 1500 in 2007 and it worked fairly well for 1 Winter. When plugging in for it’s second season of use, the thing made a horrible noise (the fan) & would not heat up as before. After taking the unit for repair to an authorized center, I was told it appeared the unit had been ran constantly.(?) 4 of the 5 elements were toast, and the filter was the old style. (I didn’t know anything about a new style or that they should be changed) Always did the proper filter cleaning, but apparently this “old style” filter could have caused the elements to fry after just 1 season. Also I was told the new elements were the “new & improved” long life type. Oh Boy!! what does that mean? Maybe it’ll be good for 2 years this time. $450.00 purchase price, plus $110.00 repair cost after only 1 season of use. What a bargain. I’m telling everyone I know what a rip off these pieces of crap are. Don’t waste your money. Buy something cheap at Wal mart & you’ll be much happier.

  4. I recently purchased an gen 3 1000 after many months of consideration. We have an old brick home, poorly insulated that leaks heat.In the winter we gegenarlly don’t heat the bedrooms, but retreat to the living room/dining room/kitchen area. We have used the Edenpure in this area with great success and with our furnace OFF. The heat (even in this drafty room) is comfortable. With the furnace off, the other rooms become quite cold, but if we move the unit to these rooms, we are fine. The unit is definitely better suited to maintaining consistent heat than heating cold rooms from the start, but it will do so. I do think the unit is at its effective limit @ about 750 sq.ft. My dogs and cat love the thing and I notice the difference in the type of heat. There is a little hype in the ads but I feel the unit is worth having. In our house it will pay for itself in about 2 months. One thing the brochures tell you is that the unit will not perform at its best it large, drafty, uninsulated spaces. That is clearly stated. It is not a magical cure. If you aren’t sure whether to buy one, try and find someone who has one and see for yourself. That’s what I did, and that’s when I finally bought one. Decide for youself.

  5. I have the EdenPure Gen3 i have a room about 25x14ft and i will not boost the temp in this room but maybe 2degrees with unit on highest setting. This is just sad, that this is supose to heat a space of 1,000sq. I couldnt in anyway see this happening. I have sepreat zone heating using Geothermal heating, and i dont even bother doing any temp adjustments to this room. For the price of this unit Not worth it!, i agree i could have spent maybe $30.00 at walmart and bought a space heater for better results.

  6. I bought the 1000 series unit last month. My house is only a few years old and I live in Michigan.
    We put the unit on our main leave and the natural gas bill is $97 cheaper then the same time last year.
    The electric bill went up by $35. But now the house temp is 72-degrees instead of 69-degrees last year.
    To say that this thing does not put out alot of heat is false.
    This unit only turns on about 50% of time and it is running at low fan speed when it comes on.
    If you can not heat you house or room up with this thing fix you house first.
    Replace you windows, doors or something…

  7. I have an eden pure model 1000 heater, It is extremely difficult to find any place to buy one of the quarts bulbs, I finally did find a dealer who also repairs them, The cost of each bulb was $ 18.00, and there is a total of 6 of these bulbs inside the heater with an additional bulb at the front of the heater. The bulbs are wired in series in pairs of two. So I ended up getting two bulbs for 36.00 dollars. I was able to install them myself, I have no idea what they would have charged me to put them in. I would love to know if there is anywere these bulbs can be bought for less than the $ 18.00 dollars. I found a set of three on ebay for $ 56.00 dollars. If anyone knows of a place to get these things please you a message on this site.

  8. Looks like mixed results in this thread. I puchased the Gen3 1000 recently and it was nothing more than a glorified foot heater. When running the Gen3, I was montioring my electric meter and all indications were a 30-35% increase in KWs. Needless to say, the refund process is underway. Hope these guys aren’t too difficult to deal with.

  9. My heater shuts down after about 2 minutes to restart the plug has to be pulled and wait 5 min before able to power up again, in which the problem reoccurs. I have cleaned the fan motor and keep the filter cleaned. Hope you can come up with a solution. Thanks

  10. These things have a 3 year warranty, take it in! There is a solution to it shutting off…they re-locate the thermostat.

  11. We have four of these they had to replace one about 2 months after we bought it
    they all worked last spring this fall pluged 2 in neither one worked took them to be
    repaired picked up today $ 260 the repair man said they are thee best money maker they have.
    In the meantime another one quit it went into the dumpster.

  12. Here in Maine these things are a piece junk. They have an impossible return policy. They offer to repair (what’s to repair? It doesn’t work!!!)it but if you are unhappy with it forget about ever getting a refund

  13. thanks for all the posts…it really helps with my decision. I tend to believe the negative posts more than the positive ones. There are times that I think positive posts come from someone that actually works for the manufacturer or is a distributor…there’s no way of knowing. Consumer Reports actually liked some of the cheap space heaters they tested better than this product.

  14. My parents have owned the gen 3 eden pure for about a year and I just purchased the gen 4 this week. So far so good. I was able to turn down the heat and now it never kicks on. Its been in the 30’s at night. I put the heater in the family room and it heats most of the house to a nice toasty level. I have 60 days to return it, but what I really am intrested in is the cost. Is it really going to save me money on my fuel oil? Guess I will find out.

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