Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Complete Back washing Guide For D.E. Pool Filters


Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filters are known to be top of the line in the swimming pool industry. The Hayward DE filter line is a great choice when it comes to keeping your swimming pool clean. The great part about the DE pool filter is that back washing is fast and easy, which means you will have more time to swim in your pool.Complete Back washing Guide For D.E. Pool Filters

Diatomaceous Earth is also known as “D.E.” in the swimming pool industry. D.E. is required in all brands of Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filters, not just the Hayward models. Diatomaceous Earth is a white powder that comes in 10LB & 25 LB bags and can be purchased from your local swimming pool supply store and even many home centers. The Hayward D.E. filter like any other Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool filter requires D.E. to keep the filter running smoothly. Depending on what type and size filter you have will determine how much earth your filter can hold. After deep pool cleanings your pool filter will need something called a back washing.

Back washing is the process of removing the old D.E. powder from the swimming pool filter using either a muliport valve, a bump handle, or manually with a pool filter cleaning wand. This can be done easily if you know how to backwash your pool filter the correct way. In order to backwash your Hayward swimming pool filter you will need to know a few things. You will first need to determine if you have a multiport on your filter system or if you have a smaller filter that only uses a bump handle.

How Do I know What Type Of Diatomaceous Earth Filter I have?

Hayward makes back washing easy with two different styles of filter back washing methods.

The first method uses the bump handle that is built into the filter.If you have an above ground pool you probably have an EC type of D.E.(Diatomaceous Earth) pool filter. This includes the EC-40, EC-50 and also the Hayward EC-65 D.E. pool filter. The EC line of pool filters uses something called a “bump handle” to shake the D.E. powder from the fingers of the filter.

The second method of back washing is done with something called a mulitport valve. The multiport valve is a multi directional valve that has a “backwash” option. By setting the valve to the backwash position will allow you to backwash the filter and no bumping is required like the other style of filter.

Now that you know the difference between each type of Hayward D.E. Swimming Pool filter you will need to know how to actually back wash each type of filter.

How To Back Wash The EC-series D.E. Pool Filters From Hayward:

If you have a EC type filter and you need to backwash the filter then this is how you would do it.

1) Shut off the swimming pool pump, by either unplugging it or switching the pool timer manually to the off position. It is a must that the pool filter is off before you start the back washing process.

2) Now that the pool filter is off you will want to “bump” or push up and down the lever that is on top of your filter. You will want to push the handle up and down slowly at first to make sure that you do not crack or break the bump handle. Remember the handle is only made from plastic. Sometimes if you have not back washed for a while the Diatomaceous Earth can get jammed up and cause the handle motion to be stiff.

3) Once you have bumped the handle up and down a few times, you will now want to open the back wash valve. The backwash valve is located on the bottom of the filter tank. Usually the back wash valve will be a while valve with a T handle you will just need to turn about a half of turn.

4) Now that the back wash valve is open and the Diatomaceous Earth has been bumped with the handle you are ready to wash out the filter. To complete the back wash cycle you will now need to turn on the swimming pool pump for about 1 – 2 minutes or until the water out of the back wash line is clear. Once you see clear water coming from the back wash line you can shut the valve and continue to run the pool pump.

5) After you have closed the back wash valve and the pump is running, It is now time to re-add the D.E. powder into the filter. Look on the side of the filter to see how many Lbs your filter takes. The D.E. should be added into the skimmer when the filter system is running. Most Hayward D.E. swimming pool filters take between 3 – 8 pounds depending on the size and the model of the filter.

How To Back Wash Common Multi-port Filter Systems:

Learning to back wash your swimming pool filter that has a multiport valve can tricky if you have never done it before. The basic concept of “back washing” is the same compared to other types of Diatomaceous Earth filters like the EC series but there will be a few things that have to be done differently.

1)The first thing you will want to do is to make sure that the swimming pool motor that runs the pump is off.

2) Once you will now have to adjust the multiport so that it is in the “back wash” position. You can adjust or turn the multiport valve by pressing down on the handle and then turning the handle while it is pressed down to the position that you want. In this case you will want to turn the valve to the back wash position and make sure that the handle locks into place.

3) Once you have set the multiport valve to the back wash position you will want to roll out the back wash hose. It is always a good idea to have a back wash hose attached to the multiport so that the pressure coming from the valve does not disturb the landscape around the filter area. A back wash hose is only a few dollars and can save you from some headaches & a big mess. Remember the D.E. powder will be coming out of the filter when you back wash.

4) Once your back wash line is rolled out and your valve is set to the back wash position you can turn the swimming pool pump back on again. You might need to wait a few seconds and then you will see your pump start to flow again but now the water will be going out through the back wash line. If you look through the back wash sight glass you can see the color of the water at the end of the hose. That is the reason for this sight glass. Run the pool filter on back wash until the water is either clear at the end of the back wash line or at the sight glass.

5) Once the filter has ran until the water is clean you will now want to “rinse” the pool filter using the same muliport valve. What you will now have to so is to shut down the filter system again and then switch the multiport valve to the rinse cycle.

6) Rinse the filter on the rinse cycle for a few minutes and then shut the filter down. After the filter system is shut down, once more move the valve back to the “filter” position.

7) Now that you have had the multiport on the back wash, rinse cycle and now have set it back on filter you can re start the swimming pool pump.

8) After the pool filter has been running for a few minutes and is at full prime, you can go ahead and re add the Diatomaceous Earth powder through the skimmer. You can look in the owners manual or on the side of the swimming pool filter to see how man pounds of Diatomaceous Earth a.k.a. D.E. you will need to add.

Pool Trick: You can use a 1lb empty coffee can to measure the pound of D.E. Powder. Each coffee can that is full of Diatomaceous Earth is equal to one pound. So if you added “four coffee cans” that would have been four LBS of Diatomaceous Earth(D.E.) that was added.


  1. Q. After the pump shuts off, I get heavy DE back-up in my in-ground pool ONLY when using the solar heater on the roof. AND this has only occurred since the pool guy opened up the filter for quarterly maintenace/cleaning. Recent: 5 new filter grids have been added, a new tank lid O-ring, and pressure gauge gasket. Filter: Purex Triton 2060/ now Pentair SMBW 2060. I had crystal clear water with the solar heater off for a few days…tested and got DE back-up all 3 times that I shut down after opening up flow to the solar heater. thoughts? I’m thinking manifold damage and the water downflow from the solar heater creates enough vacuum to pull out the DE? thanks Justin

  2. I have a stand alone gunite 10ft spa with 6 jets, shimmer drain and 2 main drains. I backwashed this weekend and I had the spa cloud up with D.E. powder. I turned off the system, turned off the skimmer level valve, backwashed until I saw the water run clear. then turn it off then reposition the level to rinse and turn it on again for a minute then turn off the system and repositioned the level to filter and restarted to build the pressure. water in spa drop about 4 inches, refilled to top of tile. Mixed the DE powder to a slurree mix and returned main valve to the half and half with the skimmer drain and proceeded to pour mix into skimmer the spa turned cloudly with DE. What did I do wrong? Thanks art

  3. I had a lot of algae in my pool this year. The cover blew off about a month ago. After cleaning the fingers etc. added algaeicid and shock, the earth etc. The pressure in the pump goes to 20+. I bump[ed the handle, backwashed, added more earth and nothing is working. Pressure usually read 12, but now it goes to 20 in minute or two. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to use anymore chemicals if I can’t get it to run and distribute them throughout the pool. What can be the problem?

    • Hi Gloria.

      Your best bet is to have the pool filter “acid washed”. This is a normal process that can be preformed by your pool guy or the local pool store. Acid washing removes all the microscopic debris that stick to the fine mesh, If you are in a remote location as some people are and there isn’t a pool store or company for miles, you can soak the “fingers” or “grids” in vinegar for a few hours and that acid will clean as well. Its not as strong as the acid the pool store will use but it will get the job done, alternatively you can always soak them longer in vinegar if needed.

      Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need more help, oh also try a product called “Pool Perfect with Phos Free” <–Good stuff


      • Joseph, If you are performing the acid wash yourself, be very careful and read the instructions very carefully. Do not reassemble the filter until the fingers are completely dry. I assembled mine with the fingers wet and the acid gas from the wash and the clorine gas did not get along. It blew my chlorinator to bits. Thankfully I wasn’t to close by but I had a yard full of neighbors shortly afterword. A better cleaner is to fill a bucket big enough for the filter fingers with warm water and put in some Cascade Dish washing powder and let it sit over night. Works great. A lot safer.

    • The problem is the fingers or other media is clogged with the algae.
      I had the dam problem last year. I think I just kept bumping and refilling for about 5 days and then it straightened out. the algae is clogging up things. The other thing I do every year is take the filter apart and remove the nylon socks from the tubes and wash them with a little soap and then reinstall them, It takes about 2 hours just to reinstall the socks. make sure they are pulled all the way to the top. You could replace them but that is expensive.
      As far as adding the de to the filter. Try putting the vacuum hose on the skimmer and then place the other end in a bucked which you have made a slurry with the appropriate amount of DE. The worst that happens is you get some on the bottom of the pool which you can vacuum up later.

  4. All sounds great, but how do you add DE thru the skimmer when you have an extended deck and you have no access to the top of the skimmer. Trying to scoop DE into the face of the skimmer is messy at best and you cannot escape DE entering the pool. Can I take the lid off the pump filter basket and enter the DE there?

    • Bob,

      How do you empty your skimmer baskets?

      BTW – If you have no top access to your skimmer……well…….that’s no good.

  5. I empty the skimmer basket thru the front of the skimmer. Anyone who has an extended deck has to do it this way. There is no other way. Do you have an answer to my original queston?

    • Bob,

      I have never seen that before, so I regretfully have to say I have no idea. Usually around here we use “skimmers extensions” which do exist in the pool world and then the framer or the deck guy frames around the skimmer which is raised by the skimmer extensions……….but sorry, I have never seen a deck that was built over the most important part of the pool which is the skimmer……

      Sorry I could not be of more help, maybe you could get some skimmer extension and get a framer to cut you an access panel, That would make it way easier for you in the future,

      Have a wonderful summer !


  6. In the start up instructions it says the DE needs to be added within ONE minute of running the pump or damage may occur to the filter. But in the EC backwash instructions above it says the pump can run 1 – 2 minutes before it runs clean and then the DE can be added. This seems to go contrary to the regular start up instructions.

    I have been backwashing by stopping the pump and bumping the handle, opening the drain and repeating several times until the draining water runs clear. Can this damage the filter, i.e. too much bumping?

    • Peter, I only come to this from my 30 years experience with my DE filter. I too backwash like you do and have done it all of those years. I have replaced my filter with the same model Hayward EC65 just once in that thiry years and that was becuase of a crack that developed in the housing. I start up my filter until all of the lines are primed and then shutdown all of the skimmers except one and add my initial DE to that skimmer. I’m very sure that takes me more than 1 minute so unless you have an exotic filter of some sort, I would not worry about the 1 minute business. I have never had any problem with the filter elements in the 30 years. Hope that helps.

  7. We have a DE filter have for years this is the first time I have had such a had time getting the cloudiness out , is it possiable for De powder to flow in to pool from filter I have tried super blue , shocked it you name it I’ve tried it totally flustrated , any ideas

    • Hi Laurie,

      D.E flowing into the pool is totally possible, but when the filter is shut off for around 12 hours the D.E will fall to the pool floor and can be vacuumed out if your filter is on waste.

      Now as for the cloudyness…..What are your water readings? How often are you running the filter? What makes you think its D.E not bleached algae?

      Let me know the above and I can help you further.


  8. Hi,
    I have a vinyl lined in ground pool. it is 16×32 I just had the liner replaced. I have had the house for 5 years and ALWAYS had a perfectly clear pool with no issues. I obviously drained the pool and refilled it brand new with the new pool liner. It has been cloudy most of the summer with a white/grey powder on the bottom of the pool. I have tried powerwashing, algeacide, shocking it I have tried everything. it gets clear for a few days and it comes back. I have vacuumed it a ton of times and its still there. I never had this before. Its been a very hot summer and I was using the solar cover. Could it be bleached out algae? How did I get rid of it? I have tried backwashing a bunch of times. Help! I don’t know what to do to get rid of it and get my crystal clear pool back! i am ready to give up and cover it for the winter!! Help!!

  9. Time to clean the DE filter grids and need to know the best and safetest way to get the retaining band on and properly securedon the tank. Last time I had to call a pool svc to put it back together and it was a mess..
    I have a Purex Triton DE filter

  10. hi i have a DE filter with multi port valve it was backwashed and every couple hours the filter stops flowing pressure is OK than i rinse and it flows again what could B the problem thanks Dave

  11. having just puchased a house with an outdoor pool, i just did my first ‘backwash and rinse’ .on completion my pool drained about 100 gallons in about 30 seconds. is this normal.

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