Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

American Standard Kitchen Faucet Troubleshooting & Repair Guide


If your American Standard Kitchen Faucet is dripping, leaking, has sudden loss of pressure you may need to stop for a second a want to figure out what is wrong with it. When you look at the faucet you will want to try to determine what is wrong. Using this process of troubleshooting, you will be able to figure out what is wrong with your faucet. Once you have figured out what needs to be repaired, you then can hire a plumber to fix the faucet for you.

In the old days, it was cost effective to fix the faucet yourself. But in today’s times, its better that you call the plumber to fix the faucet for you, because most of the time the plumber will have easy access to the parts and also the plumber probably have done this type of repair before which will also prevent you from making costly mistakes trying to repair the faucet yourself.

American Standard Kitchen Faucet Cutaway Diagram


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