Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Munchkin Boiler 80M


The Munchkin 80M boiler is a gas-fired boiler that was designed for residential homes. This boiler is rated at 92% efficiency and an Input Btu’s of 27,000 to 80,000 Btu’s. The Department of Energy Rated Heating Capacity is 25,000 Btu’s to 74,000 Btu’s. If you are looking to save money this winter, the Munchkin Boiler 80M is what you need.Munchkin Boiler 80M

The Munchkin 80M Gas Fired Boiler offers a 316L Stainless Steel Construction. Stainless Steel is one of the strongest materials made, it offers protection from rust and corrosion as well as provides a maximum reliability. The boiler offers a stainless steel heat exchanger that will prevent corrosion of the heat exchanger that is caused by the condensation of the flue gases that are often found in the secondary portion of the heat exchanger.

The flue and the stainless steel water circuits are connected to help direct the flow of the gases through the system, this is called the heat transfer. Other boilers lose some heat in the transfer but the Munchkin Boiler 80M is not one of them. When the heat passes through the system from the sealed combustion system it can transfer right into the water as it travels through the helical circuits. This will bring you maximum efficiency every time.
Munchkin Boiler 80M
Some of the features and benefits are the reliable spark ignition. The Munchkin System guarantees that this divide will provide a constant and dependable operation. The unit uses a Direct Vent with a Schedule 40 PVC Plastic Pipe. The piping is one of the inexpensive ways to install vent piping. There is no chimney needs and the installation is flexible with this type of piping. With PVC piping, it will not rust or corrode. The 80M has a factory installed Munchkin 925 Control Board. This was designed to adjust the firing rate to match the needs of the heating system and this is done by saving money and energy with the 80M. You will need a 1-1/4″ NPT connection for the Supply Return Connections, a 3/4″ gas connection and a 3″ vent connection.

Some of the other standard equipment included is a Wiring Harness, a 8 psi Water pressure Switch, a Burner Fan, a Plastic Boiler jacket that will protect the unit from corrosion. Also included is the electrical junction box and a high grade Inconel NIT Burner. Some optional equipment that you can purchase to make the boiler more efficient is s Superstor Ultra Indirect Fired Water Heater and a SuperStor Ultra Pool Heater. A condensate neutralizer kit and a venting kit that includes a V1000 Aluminum Outside Terminal Kit plus a Concentric Vent Kit with a Termination of 3″.

The Munchkin 80M is one of the most efficient boilers on the market. If you are looking to save money then this is the unit for you. It has a sealed combustion operation plus it is environmentally friendly. Talk to Munchkin representative and ask them any questions that you have about the 80M or any other Munchkin Boiler that you are interested in. You are making a good choice with Munchkin.


  1. My experience: Installed Munchkin 80M boiler in a vacation house. Boiler was all trouble the first two years, tripping out on various fault codes. Installer and distributor rep were as frustrated as I. Lost heat ten to twenty times a season for three years. Then got it working reasonably reliably, only one or two “no heat” situations a year. Now, after seven years, the fan has totally self-destructed, blower, venturi tube, and gaskets need replacing, and it needs a $600 “Update kit”. Est $1400 in parts and much more with labor. Someone out there may know how to make these work, but from my experience, this is a product to avoid.

  2. I have had an MC 80 for about one year and was happy with it through the heating season but it is malfunctioning this year. Although i would not expect it to be maintenance free, some parts failed and troubleshooting has been a challenge even for properly trained technicians. We are using one of the most reputable heating/plumbing contractors in CT and have spent $800 for service and parts and had a week without heat. The problem is these are complicated systems and the parts are not standard or available locally (even though the manufacturer is just 2 hours away in Mass.) So last Monday it stopped with an F09 code, the technician tested and was not getting ignition spark, Heat Transfer Products Inc. tech support said the gasket on the ignitor was bad so a new one was ordered and the repair people brought it when it arrived Friday, but still no spark. So next was replace the ignitor ($285 + $60 overnight shipping) HTP products said it must have a hairline crack preventing spark. Now plenty of spark and it is getting gas (smelled for it myself at the discharge pipe, but it will not ignite. The technician dismantled the system and cleaned everything according to HTP’s instructions (this was also done at the end of last heating season) and still it won’t light. That was Saturday but Tech support is not open so will have to wait for another service call Monday. What would I do if this was February and we were without any heat or hot water? Folks stay away from the Munchkin there is no support.

  3. I feel dam lucky, put mine in a 2700 sq. ft. home in 2005 and to date no problems. If it quits I feel confident the plumber who put it in as no clue on what to do. Where do I call?? 86301 , AZ

  4. bought a house with 80M munchkin and all i have is problems ,,,going on thousands of dollars that is costing me to run it,,,really thinking about replacing it with something else,,it was installed in 2004 and constantly brakes down,,last year was the one year that it runned fine ,,now my tech turned it on to service it and motor and fan have to be replaced,,it just died,,the furnace was off all summer and i have a repair on my hands again before we can get heat,,,hate this product ,,i really advice people to stay with regular furnace,.,yu may pay little more in heat but yu’ll have a lot less headacke and maintnaice bills,,,we’re save in heating bills but i already put at least two thousand dollars in repairs between parts and labor,,,DO NOT RECOMEND THIS PRODUCT AT ALL ,,,AND MANUFACTURER SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SOME OF THESE MALFUNCTIONS,,,,12 YEAR WARRANTY BUT DOESN’T COVER VERTUALLY ANYTHING,,,,

  5. I installed a Munchkin 80M boiler about 6 years ago and just had the control board fail for the 3rd time. Seems all the savings for “high efficiency” is spent in repairs. Contrast this with a wood furnace I’ve used for over 25 years that has Honeywell analog controls that have never malfunctioned. I agree the solid state controls are over-complicated and way too fragile for real world use. Is there anyone that refurbishes the Munchkin control boards?

  6. mine just blew up,water pissing into the inside and out the exhaust ,only 8 years old???? new one coming in tomorrow,lets see how much this is going to set me back ???? under warren-tee but pro rated so lets see ??? yup putting in another one (stupid me ?? ) had many problems with this one electrodes went ,gaskets suck ,if you buy new ones get many !!water pressure switch, and other things also !! good thing I never called service or I would be looking at thousands !! well wish me luck with the next one,good luck everyone else !!

  7. M80 lots of trouble. ‘Back fire’ and blew the vent top off about 20 ft. Scary. At year 3, ‘full rebuild’ was about $800 – should have dumped it then. They say you need yearly maintenance, at $300 or so. Forget efficiency #, it’s way more service than any savings. Replaced thermo switch twice, lots of error codes. Burner gasket blew a hole that blasted blue flame inside and melted the plastic main body frame through about 4″ before shutting down. Would never recommend Munchkin, ours is for radiant floor heat. Get a Takagi TK4 (or similar) for either radiant or domestic water. Same install date for domestic hotwater, zero issues. Works every time – frankly it’s on about 10x more for the same period of use also; makes it about 1000x more reliable.

  8. Installed a Munchkin 140M 13 yrs ago. It’s been working fine with no problems up till now. It’s one of the original models that doesn’t have the “upgrade” kit/control bd. Last week, no heat. Technicians spent 2 days and lots of my $ to no avail. Still no heat. They replaced the blower motor but problem now appears to be the pressure switch. I called HTP and the joker in tech support tells me that the pressure switch that this units requires has been discontinued and is no longer available. Now I’m reasonable safe around tools so I asked him if there are any after market pressure switches that are compatible. He says no and that instead, I need to buy the “upgrade” kit/control bd (wholesale cost from HTP ~$550). Can you believe this nonsense? Instead of replacing a $10 pressure switch, he recommends that I throw away more of my hard earned money for an upgrade kit? If this company cared about customer service, the least they can do is get one of the members of their “crack” technical staff to spend a little time researching a compatible replacement. Instead, they peddle this bit of nonsense. This company is corrupt. I will go out of my way to steer everyone I know away from this corrupt company and their faulty products.

  9. I have a Munchkin 80M and its been a lot of trouble and unreliable. No service people here in Bozeman MT seem to understand the unit. A few years ago I replaced the display board myself and “fixed” the problem for a year or two. Now its fails with error code F09 (no flame). I am going to clean the igniter myself and if the problem persists, I’ll buy a different boiler. I am also going to stay away from HT Products who sells or sold Munchin.

  10. 16 years on my 80m and have never serviced or touched it. Thing runs quite a bit to heat my 3000 square foot commercial garage and is very efficient.

  11. We installed a Munchkin 80M in our home in 2006 to support the hydronic floor heat installed in a major addition to our home. There was one situation in the second heating season where one small circuit panel needed to be replaced. Since then (it’s now 2024) the unit has operated flawlessly year in and year out. The only subsequent issue with the heating system was a single situation when a valve in one of the manifolds was stuck closed, but that was resolved in less than an hour. We can’t really overstate how satisfied we’ve been with our Munchkin going into its 18th heating season!

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