Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Little Giant Submersible Pump Buyers Guide


Little Giant Submersible Pump Buyers Guide Little Giant has been in the business of pumps for over 80 years now. Today they are a registered trademark company of Franklin Electric who has been in business since 1944. Together they have the experience they need to bring their products to the mainstream. Little Giant has so many great products that any one that you choose for your application is the best choice possible.

Little Giant has a great reputation for creating pumps that work for sewage and water removal. With pump companies always trying to come with the next best thing, Little Giant is working to bring to you the best submersible pumps for basements, drainage or boiler blow down sumps pit. They have a great reputation for high quality and high performance pumps. If you are looking for that perfect pump, we have complied a list of the Little Giant Submersible Pump Buyers Guide to help you make an informed choice.

We will take a look at the Little Giant 9S-CIM Sewage Ejector Pump, the Little Giant Drainosuar Water Removal System and the Little Giant Big John Submersible Pump 6 Series.

Little Giant 9S-CIM Sewage Ejector Pump

Little Giant 9S-CIM Sewage Ejector Pump
The solids up to 2 inches in diameter. The 9S-CIM has a pump housing that is made from a strong cast iron material and is coated with a string epoxy coating that will help ward off any rust or corrosion that may form. The Little Giant 9S-CIM is a manual pump and the 9S-CIA is an automatic pump. The Little Giant Pump Series 9S has components such as the Pump Cover and the Housing that are also made from the Cast Iron and epoxy coated as well. This will help lengthen the life of the pump. The pumps’ impeller is made from a strong nylon and vortex material. The pump’s specifications are the 9S-CIM is a 4/10 horsepower pump that runs with an electrical supply of 115 or 30 volts. All models come with a 15-foot cord but 20 foot cords are also available.

The best part of the Little Giant 9S-CIM Sewage Ejector Pump is that it is 100% safe and factory tested. These pumps are more energy efficient than they used to be years ago. When you choose the 9S-CIM Little Giant Pump you will get a high performance pump with a great warranty. The 9S-CIM Little Giant Submersible Pumps cost range from $260.00 to $298.00 depending on where you shop.

Little Giant Drainosaur Water Removal System

Little Giant Drainosaur Water Removal System
The Little Giant Drainosaur Water Removal System was created to help homeowners and businesses get rid of the water from bathroom sinks, laundry trays and even air conditioners. This water removal system is different from the rest in the way that this system can be installed above the floor in the basement or laundry room. There are no pits to dig and this system is neat and compact. The Drainosaur Water Removal System or Model Number WRS-5 comes with 2 parts, the pump and the basin. The pump is constructed with a cast aluminum housing that is covered with an epoxy coating that is was designed to help keep rust and corrosion away. The basin that the pump is placed in is made with a polypropylene lightweight material. The concern of many homeowners is that the basin won’t be properly sealed with a watertight seal to prevent any water from getting into the basin.

The pump comes with a 1/6 horsepower motor that comes with thermal protection overload. The WRS-5 or catalog number 505055 requires a 115 voltage with 5 amps and 380 watts. The water flow rate of this pump is 15 gallons per minute or gpm with a 15-foot head. The basin cover comes with a 1-1/2″ discharge FNPT opening and a 1-1/2″ intake and a 2″ FNPT vent opening. The pump is a 5-ASP with a 1/2 horsepower and a 10-foot power cord. The cost of the Little Giant Drainosaur Water Removal System ranges from $ 180.00 to $ 250.00 depending on where you choose to shop.

Little Giant Big John Submersible Pump 6 Series

Big John Submersible Pump 6 Series
The Little Giant Big John Submersible Pump 6 Series is one of the most popular in the series. With the Big John 6 Series, there are 9 different model pumps available. There are automatic pumps as well as manual pumps available depending on your application. The Big John Submersible Pump is constructed with a cast iron pump housing and an epoxy coating that will help protect the life of the pump. That seems to be the problem of some of these pumps and that is they don’t last very long. They seize up or impellers become so jammed up that they need to be replaced. But little Giant Big John Submersible Pump Series 6 you get a great warranty and great working pump.

The Series 6 Pumps are oil filled and that means a lifetime of not worrying about your pump needing oil and seizing. The Big John Submersible Pump 6 Series has a 1/3 horsepower pump with electrical requirements of 115 volt or 230 volt with 50/60 Hz and wattage of 720. This pump system is rated at 2750 gallons per hour with a 5-foot head. The Big John Pump Series works with a mechanical seal with a stainless steel spring and nitrile parts with carbon and ceramic face. These materials work together to help protect the seal in case of a power outage.

These pumps are commonly used as automatic pumps and in these cases the pump have a pressure switch that can start the pump as the water reaches a level of 7 and 10 inches. Once this happens the pump will shut down as the water reaches a low level as 4 inches down to 1 inch. The Big John Submersible Pump Series 6 run in a continuous operation, the motor is self-lubricating as we mentioned so running constantly the pump will not seize. The price ranges from $140.00 to $200.00.

Little Giant Pumps are the best submersible pumps in the industry. They all are protected with an epoxy-coated material to help lengthen the life of the pumps. The pumps are made with a cast iron pump housing to protect the pump from vibration or other hazards. The best part about Little Giant Pumps is that they are mainstream pumps and they can be found online and in local stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s or Ace Hardware. These pumps are reasonably priced and are very affordable. The Little Giant Submersible Pumps are high quality pumps with high performance. Little Giant is a name you can trust and with Little Giant Submersible Pumps they will get the job done every time. Little Giant is a name you can trust. Next time you are looking for a strong, long lasting and reliable submersible pump; check out the line of the submersible pumps at Little Giant you can’t go wrong.

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