Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo Automatic Pool Cleaner


The Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo Above Ground Pool Suction Cleaner offers a great way to clean your pool while you spend more time in your pool. The Wahoo is an automatic swimming pool cleaner that can clean your pool in a couple of hours. This above ground pool cleaner offers a safe way to remove dirt, debris such as leaves, pebbles, twigs and bugs. The Baracuda Wahoo comes pre-assembled all you have to do is attach the hose to the pool cleaner. The cleaner offers a quiet way to clean your pool without disturbing your neighbors. Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo Automatic Pool Cleaner

The unit comes with a Hyper Disc this will let the Wahoo move across the bottom of the swimming pool with ease. This machine will move around steps and ladders without getting hung up. This unit will even clean the walls of any size or shape above ground swimming pool. You can keep your swimming pool clean in just a few short hours a week. You can even save money on your swimming pool’s chemicals. With the Zodiac Wahoo Automatic Pool Cleaner, the pool water circulates as the machine travels through the water it will evenly distribute the chemicals and you won’t have to add them so often.
Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo Automatic Pool Cleaner

The Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo Automatic Above Ground Pool Suction Cleaner is easy to use; you simply take the Wahoo and submerge it into the water until it becomes full of water. Then as the bubbles subside connect the hose to the Wahoo and then turn on the filter system and then turn on the pump and you are ready to go. It is so simple and it takes just minutes. To make sure that you get many great years from the Baracuda Wahoo Automatic Above ground Pool, you should always make sure that your filter and pump system has a clean skimmer and basket pump basket. Before you perform the backwash of your pool, make sure that the Wahoo is fully disconnected.

The manufacturer recommends that the Wahoo not be used if the swimming pool liner is weak, has wrinkles or has any corrosion. The manufacturer offers a one-year warranty but it is important that you read all of the warranty information as well as register the product before the deadline closes. Assembly and operation is easy. The maintenance is easy, simply read the instruction manual for step-by-step instructions. You can find this automatic swimming pool cleaner online or in your local swimming pool supply location. The cost of this machine starts at $135.


  1. I bought the zodiac baracuda wahoo automatic pool cleaner from a friend, and it had no manual with it,when i sumurge the baracuda make sure it is full of water,then connect hoses,then attach it to the skimmer,and turn on sand filter, the sand filter will not pump, dont know what iam doing wrong, could u help please. Thank you.

  2. the sand filter will not pump the zodiac baracuda around the pool. I dont knw what I’m doing wrong help please

    • I am having the same problem. Sometimes it shakes and makes a ticking sound while working, but that is only 1 out of 5 or so tries that it works. Any solution found yet?

  3. Have a Zodiac Baracuda Wahoo, will not move around pool, stays at the short end by the skimmer. Will not travel the other end when hose should be streched outward at its furthest point.

    • If the cleaner is not covering the opposite end of the pool, you can try to add return diverters or divert return inlets downward and try again. Also try using flow to move cleaner to opposite end. When you do this, make sure to move the hose weight away from cleaner head slightly. If the pool is deeper than regular size, try adding additional weight on it for better movement.

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