Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Sand Pool Filter Troubleshooting & Repair Guide


The sand style swimming pool filter can be found on many above ground and in ground swimming pools. There are also many different brands and models of swimming pool filters on the market these days so all the parts will not be interchangeable but many of the things you will need to repair on any sand filter will done basically the same way. The difference between most sand filters is size and brand. Most sand filters these days are equipped with multi-directional flow valves also known as multi-port valves.Sand Pool Filter Troubleshooting & Repair Guide

Common repairs like replacing the multi-port directional valve, changing the sand inside of the filter, replacing broken laterals and you will need to learn how drain the filter for winterization and for these repairs listed. Knowing how to properly repair and troubleshoot your sand swimming pool filter can save you a lot of money and time in the long run, leaving you to spend that time enjoying the pool rather then working or spending money on it.

The Swimming pools sand filter troubleshooting and repair guide below will help you diagnose and repair the most common problems on almost all brands of sand filters. You can repair your sand filter with a basic socket set and some standard hand tools. Always be sure to only work on your swimming pool filter when the filter system is off. It is also a good idea to shut the pool timer and disconnect the pump from the power source if possible when working on the filter. This will prevent the pump from kicking on when you are working on the filter.

How To Change The Pool Filter Sand

Pool Filter Sand
If your sand is getting old in your sand filter you are going to have to replace the sand. To replace the sand in your swimming pool filter you will first have to shut the filter system off. Once the filter is off you will have to either start unbolting the bolts around the center of the filter tank, which is most common on older Hayward S-series sand filters. If you have a newer sand filter or one with the multi-directional valve called the multi-port on top of the filter you will want to remove the band that clamps around the base of the multi-port.

Now that you have the filter tank open and you can see the filter sand, you can remove the sand three different ways. The first way is to take a small plastic scoop and manually scoop all the sand from the filter. If you have a large sized sand filter this took take a while. The second way you could remove the sand from the pool filter is to lay the sand filter on its side and dump the sand out. This will normally only be able to done with smaller sand filters like the Hayward S-160 models since they are smaller.

If you do not find any of the two methods above to be something that you can do then you can use the third way of removing the sand from the sand filter. You can use something called a swimming pool filter sand vacuum. This is a special vacuum that is made to connect to a garden hose and create a Venturi effect and will suck all the sand out of your pool filter. This is by far the best and easiest way to remove sand from pool filters.

How To Drain The Sand Filter Tank

If you need to winterize or change the sand in your swimming pool filter you will need to know how to drain the filter tank correctly. What you will want to do is to look around the base of the sand filter tank for the drain plug or screw. On Hayward S-Series models the drain plug with be a white or black cap that will almost resemble a soda cap. Turn the cap to the left until it screws all the way off the threads and then remove it. Open the air bleed screw on top of the filter dome to allow some air into the filter so it can drain better.

On other models of pool filters the drain plug will be located somewhere on the bottom of the tank. On Sta-rite sand filters you can find the drain plug in the center of the bottom of the filter tank. The drain plug will be white and around 2″ inches in outer diameter size. Oh Pentair Filters you will see the drain plug either underneath or on the side of the tank.

Hayward Sand Pool Filter

How To Add The New Sand To The Pool Filter

Once you have emptied all of the old sand from your filter you are going to have to add new sand. Before you add the new sand you will want to inspect all the filter laterals to make sure they are not damaged. Sometimes the laterals will crack from age and when then do they can allow sand to bypass them, which will result in you having sand return into your pool. Once you have inspected all the laterals and they all look OK you are going to want to fill the filter tank up with some water. You will want to fill the tank with water to about 4″ above the laterals. This is to protect the laterals when you start to pour the new sand in.

Once you have the water in the tank the last thing you will want to do is to put something over the manifold pipe that will be sticking straight up in the filter tank. A plastic cup or laying an old rag over the opening of the pipe will prevent sand from entering. Once you have done those two things you can now start to pour the amount of sand you need into the filter. Once all the sand is added to the filter tank you will to reassemble the filter.

How To Change Sand Filter Laterals

If you are getting sand back into your swimming pool and you have a sand filter then chances are your laterals are bad. Laterals can be found on the bottom of the filter tank. Their job is to allow water to flow through the sand and the filter but to keep the sand inside of the filter tank at the same time. The laterals are just small tubes that have slits in them that allow the water to pass through. You will find them connected to the bottom of the filter collector or manifold pipe that runs vertically in the center of the filter tank.

From time to time these laterals will break from a number of reasons and you will start to get filter sand back into your pool. To change the laterals you will have to shut the filter system down and drain the filter tank. You then will have to remove the multi-port or unbolt the filter tank so you can then remove all of the sand.

Once you remove all of the sand from the filter tank you can remove the laterals and the manifold assembly from the filter tank. To replace the filter laterals you will either have to replace the entire lateral manifold system unless your laterals unscrew from the manifold. On some model sand filters the laterals will unscrew from the manifold near the base. If you have tried to un-spin the laterals and they do not move you will have to replace the entire lateral assembly.

Once you have changed the laterals and replaced them with new ones you will want to fill the filter tank up at least 1/3 of the way and then pour new pool filter sand into the tank. Once you have the new sand in the tank reassemble the rest of the filter, which will include the multi-port and anything else you removed while working on the filter. Next you will want to run your swimming pool filter when everything is all back together to make sure there is no leaks or sand returning back into your pool.

Testing The Sand Pool Filter After Replacing The Sand

Once you have everything all back together you will want to prime your swimming pool pump and get your filter system going. You will want to make sure that the belly bands and multi-port gaskets are not leaking. You will also want to backwash the new sand for a few minutes as well to wash small debris off of the sand that might have been mixed in while the sand was being added to the filter. After you have back washed the new sand for a few minutes you will want to run the filter for a few minutes to make sure everything is OK while walking to the pool to make sure that you are getting no sand back into the pool. If everything looks good you will want to run your sand filter for 6 – 8 hours a day depending on weather conditions and how much the swimming pool is used. Make sure to always backwash your sand filter once a week.


  1. I can’t get the pin out of my multi directional valve handle. Any way to get the gunk out without remoal?

  2. this is my first sand filter system it seems i have it hooked up right all the settings work but the filter one the water dont go back to pool when on filter dont think it goes any where what could be going wrong

  3. I have a sandin my pool….I have a sand filter it takes 2 bags of sand, I took it apart and checked the stem and took it to a pool place to get checked everything good. I had a 1 1/2 motor for 15X24 pool i changed it because the pool guy said it might be to strong for my pool, did that then i vacuumed my pool on waste out. took all the sand out and 2 days later its all back. I don’t know what to do any more…..Please Help…..

  4. Sue june 9
    I have the same problem. The filter appears to not be working after only about 3 hours. It barely sucks.

  5. I have a sand filter with the clear bowl at the top. Normally I can see water being filtered when everything is working properly. Now, I can’t see any water at the top, I tried back-washing and rinsing the filter and I still do not see any water running through the top of the filter. Did I mention there is very low pressure coming from the returns in the pool? What could possibly be wrong. I’ve checked both of the baskets for debris…

  6. I bought a replacement valve for sand filter but it doesn’t fit, and they say my filter is too old to get parts for. So I was wondering since I’ve already bought this valve,can I get a replacement tank assembly only to go with this valve I already have? If someone sells tanks only, can u tell me where I can get one?

  7. I have a leak beside the plate on the front of the tank. I have fiberglassed it, put JD Weld, and silocone and it still leaks. Has anyone have any ideas to stop this leak.

  8. I have a Hayward Model s-180t above ground sand filter that holds 150 lbs. I just shut down for the winter and tryed draining the water out of the filter. Removed the black cap and just a trickle of water was coming out. Turned the multiport valve to waste to let some air in the tank, but still a small flow of water coming out. Noticed there is a white inside plug in the drain hole that I removed with the black cap that has a protrusion built on the outside of this black cap. Any way removed the white inner cap and sand and water came gushing out. Lost about 20 lbs of sand. So every year that I drain the filter I’ll have to replace sand in the summer when I open Pool? Is there a better way to drain. I don’t think mine has a air bleed screw on topthe filter, but maybe I don’t know where to look. Please help me out. Thanks, Dan

  9. Our Pentair Triton II Sand Filter has a small leak at the top hexagon where the “wrench” shaped like the hexagon sits. It is dripping down the side of the Filter “dome”. Can you tell us if it is easy to repair ourselves or do we need to have a Pool Repair Service come & repair it. We don’t have a manual for this and it is a about 6 or 7 years old. Filter pressure is normal on the gauge and there is no sand in the pool. Just this little link dripping down the side of the dome from the top where the pressure gauge is. Any guidance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bruce & Linda

  10. my sand filter will not turn on. the pump just gets hot and makes no noise at all. im so sick about it. it is only one year old

    • Hi Amanda,

      It sounds like your pump is frozen and needs new bearings,

      Check out my other website

      If you need more help you can use the contact form there, visit the forums or give us a call on the 1 888 number on the top of the WeT HeaD Pump Repair website.

      Its not your filter, its your pump,


  11. Water is pouring out of my waste outlet! Haven’t even plugged in the filter yet this year…worked fine last year. What’s wrong?

  12. I can’t get the top valve flange and the tank flange to securely fit together when the o-ring is in place. I purchased a new o-ring and I still can not get them to fit securely together. Help

  13. Just hooked up sand filter, (used) and after backwashing when we put it back on filter, sand shoots out through the return for about 20 seconds( a few cups). The laterals are new, but the spider gasket is not new, couold this be our problem? Will a bad gasket allow sand to come back in the return lines? Thanks for any help you can offer. Our filter is a S210T

  14. I have a question…we recently purchased a house with a pool and no nothing about pools. We have opened the pool but we have been having trouble getting it clean. We have been noticing sand settling at the bottom of the pool and on the steps. The pool store told us it sounded like our sand needed to be changed. We got all of the sand out of the filter tonight and were inspecting the lateral lines. The lateral lines look good but we noticed the screws which hold them in. One of the screw is not completly screwed down. When my husband tried to screw it down he noticed that it was stripped out. Could this have been letting sand into the pool? And if so will we have to replace the whole thing?

    Thanks for your help,


  15. I have a Sparco sand filter, I tried to take the filter apart to change the sand out and I cannot get the pipe with the laterals on it detached from the top assembly. Any ideas for assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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