Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools


You may remember the name Johnny Weissmuller has a world-class swimmer or perhaps as Tarzan of the Jungle where he appeared in 19 movies. Johnny Weissmuller was first and foremost a world-class swimmer that had won 5 Olympic Gold Medals in Swimming as well as 52 National Championships and he set 76 World Records back in his day. So naturally there would be a swimming pool company named after the swimming legend. Just the Olympic swimmer, the Johnny Weissmuller Swimming Pools are quality and high performance.Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools

The Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools are made with the most durable parts and construction. There are 5 Johnny Weissmuller Above Ground Swimming Pools available. The Titan, the Sun Master, the Sahara Oval and the Sahara Round. The Titan offers the customer an extruded aluminum Stealth Support System that is one of the strongest in the industry. The Titan offers a 52″ wall height and a deluxe Coral Seal Liner. The Titan Above Ground Swimming Pool offers a heavy-duty extruded aluminum interlocking walls for extra strength and performance. The pool comes with a single piece of extruded aluminum for the anchor plate and a single piece for the bottom rail. The Stiffener and the Structural Uprights are all made from the extruded aluminum. The Coping is a 7″ Bullnose with a special slip resistance finish. The Titan is available in 3 different sizes the 24′ x 15′, 30′ x 15′ and the 33′ x 18′.

The Sun Master Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with a 52″ wall height and a Coral Sea liner. The Sun Master comes with the same heavy duty extruded aluminum interlocking walls as the Titan. But the Sun master comes with Straight Sides Support System and a 7″ Bullnose Coping. The Sun Master is available in 18′ , 24′, 27′ and 30′. The Sahara Round Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with Extruded Aluminum Top and Bottom Clips as well as Uprights. The Sahara Round comes with an aluminum coping cover and a liner receiver so the liner stays in place better. The Sahara Round comes with 52″ wall height and extra strong aluminum walls. This pool comes in 15′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 27′ and 30′.

The Sahara Oval Above Ground Swimming Pool comes with the same extruded aluminum parts as the Sahara Round but the support system is the Stealth Support System and the Extruded aluminum Stealth Support System. The pool comes with strong aluminum walls as well as aluminum coping covers and liner receivers. The Sahara Oval comes in sizes of 24 x 15, 30 x 15 and 33 x 18. The Johnny Wesimuller Above ground Swimming Pools are not for diving and can be customized with Grand Entrance Staircases, Sun deck, Pool Fence, Promenade Walk and even Underwater Lighting. The Johnny Weissmuller Inventory has some great above ground swimming pools; if you are thinking about that backyard investment this summer, start here at Johnny Weissmuller.


  1. I have a Johnny Weisemuller Titan pool 33 x 18 and I am looking for 3 sections of fencing, 12 clips to install the fencing and also 3 posts that run from the lower plate up to the top of the fencing, the pool is in excellant shape just had a few large branches fall from huricane Sandy onto the decking. The posts I am looking for are white extruded square aluminum. I would be greatfull for any info where I can find these.

  2. How can I replace my coping on a 17 year old JW pool that is otherwise in good shape? The coping that covers the walls is extruded aluminum but is discolored and scratched.

  3. where can I find coping covers from JW pool? My top covers have been damaged by hail and all need replaced. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  4. I have a J.W. pool, above ground, 27 ft. in dia. I am looking for 18 of the two piece interlocking caps that sits on the top of each of the vertical posts, same color as the coping which extends the entire circumference of the pool, beige.

  5. John, did you find the interlocking caps for I have been looking for 2 days now and cant find them nor the fence caps. If you did please let me know where you found them.

  6. I need a coping cover in beige for my JW above ground pool. It needs to expand to 7″ and is 4″ wide. Do you have replacements?

  7. I need a handrail replacement for the drop down ladder which comes from from the deck to the ground of my 30 X 15 oval slat wall Johnny Weismuller poo. Anyone know how I can order one?

  8. Please correct spelling – I meant pool (not poo) and the handrail is on the side of the ladder used for climbing from the ground onto the pool deck to clarify.

  9. Hi – I need parts for a Sun Master pool – specifically the top and bottom plates, as well as the vertical supports. Where can I get these?

    • We just took down our Johnny Weissmuller above ground pool. We have plates, caps and vertical supports for sale if you are interested.

  10. I have a JW above ground 21ft pool. My pool wall split to the ground. Could I repair this with sheet metal. I have to relocate the skimmer, that’s where it split.
    Are there directions of how to put this size pool up. I need to know if there are tracks on the bottom for the walls to fit in.


    • Dean, the same thing happened to me in June. Did you ever get a reply to your question? I’ve been looking to see if i can get a new pool wall but would do the pool wall repair like you say if it worked for you.

  11. Looking for top caps and vertical rail support caps. At this point I would settle for any color.

  12. I need coping cover tops and bottoms for a Johnny Weissmuller silverado grey can anyone help???

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