Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

iHeater Infrared Portable Heater


One of the newest products on the home heating market is the iHeater. This new heater confirms that you can save up to half on your heating bills. If you are tired of paying huge energy bills in the winter then checkout the iHeater.

What makes the iHeater better than other space heaters is that it can cover up to 1000 square foot room. There are not too many heaters out there that can cover 1000 square feet and save you money on your energy bills.

Some of the benefits of the iHeater is the infrared technology that was used in creating this home heater. Another benefit is that this heater can actually heat from the floor to the ceiling without leaving cold spots in between. Other heaters create heat that is wasted by the air rising to the ceiling but with this heater, the heat is disbursed to where it is needed the most. This will help you save money on the energy bills and it will help keep your house warmer.

The unit is very quiet so you can listen to the radio, watch TV or even get some sleep without being annoyed by the loud sound some other heaters have. One of the product features of the iHeater is that you can heat more than one room with one heater. The unit is compact; it measures in at 16 inches x 13 inches x 17 inches. It doesn’t weigh a ton like others do, the iheater weighs only 28 pounds. This unit is safe for homes with children and pets and it is environmentally friendly. By using the iHeater you will see a decrease in your heating and energy bills. The idea behind it is as the heater is more energy efficient, it will heat more space by using less energy. With the advance technology used to create the iHeater, it will not remove the humidity from the air, which will create dry skin. You will find that your floors are warmer which will help keep the heat inside the rooms.

The iHeater is very easy to use, simply plug it in and set the controls. You don’t need any special tools or any modified wiring. Simply plug into any household outlet. This unit is easy to maintain, there are no special filters that need to be changed. This also means cleaner air and better air quality, so people who live with asthma or other breathing problems will have no problem with the iHeater. One of the benefits of the iHeater is that insurance companies have rated this product safe, safe for the home, the pets and the children. This unit cannot catch on fire. This is a great relief to people who have been hesitant to try home heating portable units. You can find the iHeater in some stores but mostly online. If you order from the Official iHeater website, you will receive free shipping and a one year warranty. The website also offers a Risk Free Money Back Guarantee that is not available on any other website or in any store. If you are looking to add some extra heat to your home this winter and you want to save money on your heating bills then you should check out the iHeater.


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