Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

How To Add DE To Your Pool


There are many types of filters on the market today and the D.E. pool filter is one of the best for cleaning the most debris out of your swimming pool water. The way a D.E. differs from a sand and cartridge filter is that it uses powder commonly referred to as “earth” or D.E. powder. The term D.E. stands for Diatomous Earth and it is a white powder that can be bought online or in any local swimming pool supply store.How To Add Diatomaceous Earth To Pool

The first thing you will have to do before you add more D.E. powder to your swimming pool is to back wash the swimming pool filter. Once you have back washed and rinsed the filter you will be ready to add more earth to it. You will never want to add more D.E. powder to your swimming pool unless you back wash it first. If you over load your pool filter with D.E. you will have earth come back into the pool. Once the D.E. earth gets into the pool it can easily make a mess that you will have to spend time vacuuming up.
Diatomaceous Earth Scoop
Once the filter is back washed you will want to look on the side of the filter and see how many pounds of D.E. powder are required. As a rule of thumb you will want to add 1/2 cup less of what the filter say on the tank. This is because naturally some of the filter media will be left inside of the filter even after back washing. Adding 1/2 cup less just ensures that the filter will not be overloaded with D.E. powder.
Diatomaceous Earth Scoop
Now that you know how much D.E. powder your filter needs you will want to add it to the pool through the pool skimmer. You will always want to add the D.E. powder to the closet skimmer. To add the D.E. powder you will need something to scoop and measure it with. A 1 LB empty metal coffee can is equal to one LB of D.E swimming pool powder. So if your pool filter says that it requires 5 1/2 LBS of D.E you will want to add 5 coffee cans full of D.E powder. Remember as we said above you want to minus 1/2 pound from the start and then each coffee can is equal to one pound of earth.

You will want to add no more then one pound of earth at a time. If you add to much D.E. powder at once you can clog up your skimmer. The best way to add the D.E. powder is to fill up your 1 LB scoop and then dump the powder into the skimmer and wait until the water is clear again before adding the next scoop. If you add the D.E. powder like this you will never wind up with a clogged skimmer. Once you have added the correct amount of Diatomaceous Earth Scoop to the filter you can put the skimmer lid back onto the skimmer. You will also now want to walk over to the pool and make sure that no D.E. powder has entered the pool through the return fittings. If you do happen to see D.E. powder in the pool this will mean that either your filter is overloaded with earth or there is something wrong with the filter that is allowing D.E. back into the swimming pool.

There are a few reasons why you will see D.E. powder in the swimming pool. You could have a bad multiport valve, you could have bad filter grids or fingers, you could have a cracked filter manifold or the filter could be just completely full of D.E. and it just needs a good cleaning.


    • Hi Paul.

      Every time you backwash your DE pool filter you will have to add new DE though the pool skimmer while the filter system is running.

      Please let me know if you need more help,


  1. I have a question for Joe. I have a brand new DE 3/4 hp filter and pump for my 26 ft round above ground pool. I have a deck wrapped around the pool that does not allow me to have shorter hoses than 16 feet. The hoses are 1!/2 standard size hoses. I might have been adding too much earth to my filters and have learned from this last reply you gave on NOV 2, 2009. I was wondering if the hoses are acceptable or is this the reason why even my new pump’s suction dies off after a VERY short while. I need your help. Thank you.

    • Hi Sherry,

      The hose length will not affect the suction. BUT if you have been adding to much D.E. to the filter that will cause the filter to “gunk up” and stop the flow. I would recommend buying a filter wand and washing out all of the D.E. from inside the filter. Chances are you have caked up D.E. inside the filter and it has hardened like a brick which a normal back wash will not remove.

      Please let me know if you need more help.


  2. I think, I answered my own question.
    But please correct me if I’m wrong.
    After Googling, I found that 1 cup D.E. = 3 oz.
    So the answer to my question is 5.33 cups = 1 lb

  3. I just backwashed my filter and saw no DE coming out of the hose. I backwashed the filter for about 1 minute. pressure was good. When I added the DE, I saw powder coming back into the pool after about 30 seconds. how do I check for problems? How do disassemble the filter?

  4. oh yeah… I added 3 lbs of DE per the chart on the filter (it called for 3.6 lbs) and the DE stopped coming back into the pool after about 2 minutes. could this be normal?

  5. I am new to DE filters but my new house as this system. I noticed I had to “prime” the pump handle (slow down stroke quick upstroke) every couple hours. After taking the filter apart I found huge clumps of what looked like clay/DE powder residue, whatever. I usually took a full coffee can of de powder and put it in the skimmer after each back wash, I am hoping it is a simple matter of me doing it all at the same time instead of measuring out a pound at a time (waiting in between for the skimmer to clear) any advice in this area is appreciated. Please respond directly to my email address. Thank you

  6. I have DE Filter and read some where I should not use a Clairifer in my pool. Is this correct ?

  7. It seems like I have to clean my filter much more this year.Also the powder I had last year was white and this year it looks grey when I clean it.

  8. when pouring D.E filter powder into a skimmer box, we should off the pump,surpose if the pump and filter are above water level in the pool how will the powder be trap or coated around the septums

    • No,you need to have the pump on when adding DE and pour it in the skimmer slowly so you don’t clog the skimmer.

  9. i have an intex 18 * 48 pool that has no skimmer, simply an intake line attached to the side of the liner. i was fortunate enough to acquire a hayward de filter from a friend for free. i have it all connected and it works just fine. however, all of the instructions for adding de require a skimmer, which i simply do not have. any suggestions on how i can add the de powder without a skimmer? thanks, lou

  10. I have a DE 60 brand new filter and a in ground 16000 gal plaster pool. When adding de to pool at start up I have always had problems with it returning to the pool and I play hell getting it back out. Its a brand new system, Why is it doing this? Grids are fine, manifold finer, valve fine.

  11. Hi Joe, i have a hayward ec 65 i just changed my top and bottom filter sheet discs and the rubber gasket and when i bump the filter a tiny bit of earth comes out the returns. not sure why, all the fingers looked good no rips at all, bob

  12. When opening the pool for the season when do you add the DE? Do you add the DE before shocking the pool for the first time? Thank you.

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