Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Copper Soldering Paste / Flux Buyers Guide


Copper Soldering Paste / Flux Buyers GuidePlumbers use soldering paste and flux when they are connecting copper pipes. Soldering Paste and Flux is a very important tool when it comes to daily plumbing jobs. There are so many different types of soldering paste and flux on the market, does it really matter what brand you use? The answer is yes; there are some companies out there whose products are not as strong or reliable as others. There are companies who have been around for many years. These are the companies you want to stay with.

We have complied a list of some soldering paste and flux products that are safe to use. These products are Orange Crush Soldering Paste, Hercules Swif 95, NOKORODE Regular Paste Flux, Hercules Jeli-Flux and the Hercules Climate Smooth. Let’s take a look at what each product has to offer.

Orange Crush Paste Flux

Orange Crush is a paste flux that contains no zinc chloride, no ammonium chloride or petrolatum. Orange Crush is a special formula paste that is water-soluble and it won’t leave any corrosive deposits after the soldering is done. This product works well and will also promote wet ability of the welded area by a fast acting spread that distributes evenly over the area that has to be soldered. Orange Crush will start to work at about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well under the temperatures that other brands start to work. While using Orange Crush you have to remember not to overheat because the flux could char up and lose some of the effectiveness. Orange Crush works in conjunction with a Platinum lead free solder that will work quicker when the two are working together.

Hercules swif 95

Hercules swif 95Hercules swif 95 is a lead free 95/5 tin solder. Swif 95 is a very effective flux that comes in paste form and brush style application. The company recommends that this product is used for potable water lines and can be used for food piping and processing lines. This product can be used with tin and solder all in one project. With the Hercules swif 95 you will save time and money. This is a fast acting solder and when it is used properly it will not drip. The strength of the product is about 40% higher than solder that is 50/50. This product is perfect for applications when temperatures, pressure and vibrations are seen. This solder is a non-corroding product and can also be used as a tinning flux. It is recommended that you follow the directions very carefully if you are new at using this product. The company recommends that mechanical pre-cleaning be done for best results.

NOKORODE Regular Paste Flux

NOKORODE Regular Paste FluxNOKORODE Regular Paste Flux is a staple in the industry. This product will not freeze in cold temperatures like many others do. It will not decompose so it will last a long time. This product is lead free and is recommended for all jobs that have solder alloys like 95/5 and all lead free products. When you choose NOKORODE you will get a product that cleans as well as fluxes in one product. You will get a product that will flow smoothly into the smallest cavities. NOKORODE is a multipurpose product that can be used with 95/5, 60/40, 50/50 and 40/60 solders. It is a low scorching product and meets all of the industry standards. As you use this product you will see that it has a smooth consistency making it easier to use. It is lead free and acid free too. NOKORODE has a special oil base that protects the solder joints from corrosion. NOKORODE will provide a strong and leak free joint.

Hercules Jel Flux

Another great product from Hercules, the jel-flux, is a low smoke and low odor product used by plumbers. This product doesn’t contain any grease, oil or wax. You won’t find any build up of residue. It also wipes off easy with a damp cloth. The Jel-flux is a thick style formula that is applied with the dauber. It is a self-cleaning flux that has ammoniates that are able to get inside the tough oil films and it will clean the surfaces in preparation of soldering. Jel-Flux will not oxidate as it heats up and it will bring out the uniform solder flow to a perfect, leak free joints. There are specific uses of the Jel Flux, for example, it can be used to solder copper, brass, zinc and soldered metals. This product is a self-cleaning, lead free non-drip liquid. It contains zinc chloride, ammonium chloride and propylene glycol. If you are looking for a solder product that works with many of the metals commonly used for plumbing projects then Hercules jel Flux will work great.

Hercules Climate South

Hercules Climate South offers a lead free and a non-acid soldering flux. This product is applied effortlessly. It is smooth and will not run like some of the other products do. Plumbers use Climate South when they sweat soldering on copper, brass, galvanized, tin and much more. To use the Climate South soldering flux, you simply brush it on. It will even work at extreme temperatures.

Climate South will dissolve the oxides during the heating of the solder. This product will work faster and more evenly in the joints. This product will work with all different solders such as non-bearing alloys, 95/5, 60/40, 50/50 and 40/60. Climate South is a self-cleaning lead free product. It has a melting point of 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and it is slightly soluble in water. It is very important to read all of the instructions before attempting to use this product. If you are a professional plumber or just a recreational plumber, it would be a good idea to read our product guide and see which soldering paste/flux would be the best for your plumbing jobs. You can find these products in your local plumbing store or home improvement store. As we mentioned, it is important that you read the instructions before starting to use these products. All of these products would work well with copper, brass, galvanized and tin.


  1. Looking for Crest Good Soldering Paste can you help us locate this item?

    Thank you
    Richard Frick

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