How to Unclog the Toilet With a Plumber’s Snake
When you find yourself with a serious situation of clogged toilet that even a plunger can’t fix, try a toilet auger. A toilet auger will cost you between $30.00 and $40.00 from Home Depot or similar stores and range from 3ft to 6ft in length. When you are purchasing one find one that is protected by plastic, vinyl, or rubber so that it will not scratch the surface of your toilet while in use. Once you've bought one, here's how to use it:
The tool's handle size is big enough to grab steady and make the job easy for anyone with no plumbing knowledge or experience. With proper usage of this tool, you should be able to unclog your toilet with few attempts of trial or at least it shouldn't take any longer than 10-15 minutes. There is a protective rubber sleeve over the bend area which is designed to protect the toilet from getting scratched. However scratching is possible to happen and you will need to read the instructions carefully before starting on the job.
Surround your toilet base with old towel or anything else absorbent in case there is any back splash. Drop the head of the auger into the toilet, make sure the curve of the 'snake' matches the curve of your plumbing (you can usually determine this by looking behind your toilet).Crank the handle of the auger until you feel resistance. At this point you have most likely found the clog! Water may also start to recede if you've dislodged clog was small. If the water level remains the same crank the handle clockwise then counter clockwise continuously. This will help pull apart and break up the clog.
If the clog remains, pull the auger back out. It is possible that you have 'caught' some of the debris and need to rinse the auger. Rinse, and then insert just as you did in the 2nd step. Once you've broken through the clog and water has gone done use a plunger then flush the toilet to get rid of any particles of the clog that may still be in the pipes. Enjoy your unclogged toilet! If after these steps you still have a seriously clog, you may want to consider contacting a professional plumber.
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