Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Hayward DE3600 Filter Inspection & Rebuild


I just bought this house with a Hayward DE3600 filter, I am getting DE in the pool, so I took it apart to clean. The top was loaded with DE so I cleaned it all out and hosed off the grid. I noticed that there are holes worn in the mesh at the top where it is held in the plastic grid holder. Will this cause the DE in my pool? Also your site says to inspect o-rings, where are they besides the big one between top and bottom? Also do they have a conversion kit to convert this DE3600 to a filter cartridge type filter?
Thanks for all your help, this site is great for a newbie! Ron


Hi Ron,

If you have holes in the filter grids you will need to replace them for sure, as that will allow DE back into your swimming pool. You will also want to check for any cracks etc inside of the manifolds.

The o-rings, There are three o-rings that you will want to check,

Here is a picture of all three o-rings inside of the Hayward 3600 Series DE pool filter.

This article may help you as well.

How To Troubleshoot D.E. Pool Filters

If you have any more questions or need anymore help please let me know by commenting in the form below.

Thanks for the nice words about the website as well.

When you get ready to close your pool check out the winter section.

We add articles all the time,

Hope this helps you,



  1. Joseph,
    Thanks for your reply. When you say holes are you talking about in the mesh fabric that covers the grid?
    Also what about a conversion kit from DE to cartridge, is such a thing available?

    • Hi Ron,

      Yes, I mean the filter grids. They are supposed to have a “mesh” but no holes.

      If you send me pictures of the grids I will look at them for you.

      As for the conversion, they don’t make a kit but you can buy a filter and just replace the unit you have now. Craigslist sometimes has great deals when people take down or fill in there pools they often sell their equipment,

      Let me know if you have more questions.


  2. My Hayward 3600 is about 4 years old & although I backwash & change the DE when the pressure rises to about 22, I have never opened the filter to do any maintainence. Is it essential to do that & if so, how ofter?

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