Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

Gas Fired Boilers Buyers Guide


More people are buying gas-fired boilers than ever before. But with hundreds of companies out and thousands of different models available how do you know you are getting the right boiler.Gas Fired Boilers Buyers Guide There are 3 companies that offer some great gas fired boilers, Weil McLain, Munchkin and Smith Boilers. These boiler companies have been servicing the heating industry for hundreds of years combined. They know what homeowners are looking for and what they need to meet their heating requirements.

The Weil McLain CGt Gas Fired Boiler is one the company’s best selling boilers. The CGt design is a compact style allowing this boiler to be installed in any basement that does not have a lot of ceiling room. With this compact design you can actually use your basement for storage.

Unlike other boiler companies, the CGt is a one-model gas fired boiler. It has a heating capacity of 108,000 Btu, the input Btu’s are 133,000 with an IBR Rating of 94,000. This boiler has an Energy Star rating of 81%.

Weil McLain CGt Gas Fired Boiler

Weil McLain CGt Gas Fired Boiler
The boiler is capable of holding 3.1 gallons of water. The burners are made from 100% high-grade stainless steel. The efficiency of this boiler has many contributing factors such as the boiler sections are made from cast iron sections that work in sync with the elastomer sealant and this creates a protective seal that prevents the water and heat from escaping thus improving the boilers efficiency.

By installing the Weil McLain CGt you are saving money every month on your heating bills. The price for the CGt Gas Fired Boiler is about $ 3500.00. You will have to shop around and see where you can get a great deal on these boilers. They are well worth the money and will payoff in the end.

Munchkin 80M

Munchkin 80M
The Munchkin 80M is a gas-fired boiler that was specifically designed with the residential home in mind. The system is 92% efficient and has an Input Btu range of 27,000 to 80,000. The Department of Energy has rated this unit with a heating capacity of 74,000 Btu’s. The Munchkin 80M is made of a high-grade 316L stainless steel. This material is one of the strongest materials but it is also one of the most non-corrosive and rust resistant materials. One of the great features of the 80M is the reliable spark ignition, the company all but guarantees that the igniter will provide a constant and reliable operation. The boiler is a Direct Vent unit and it is installed with a Schedule 40 PVC Plastic Pipe. Munchkin Boiler, 80M is one of the most efficient boilers on the market. It can save you a lot of money on your home heating costs as well as your electrical bills too.

The Munchkin 80M Boiler is reasonably priced at $2500. It is always recommended that you do extensive research on the price and the boiler. You want to make sure that you know what you are getting and that boiler is the best for your home heating situation.

Smith Boiler GS110

Smith Boiler GS110
The Smith Boiler GS110 Sealed Combustion Gas Fired Boiler is one of Smith’s best selling boilers this year. There are 5 different sizes of the GS110 Series, the Btu’s range from 70,000 to 200,000. The unit has an efficiency rating of 86%. The Smith GS110 emits fewer emissions and burns cleaner than any other gas fired boiler around. The GS110 Boiler uses Cast Iron Sections that are rated with a 30 psig. The unit is factory installed with a reusable air filter and a Hi Limit Reset Control Switch. The gas fired boiler comes a metal insulated jacket designed to prevent rust and corrosion. All of the major components of the boiler are located at the top of the boiler, making inspection and service easy.

The GS110 includes a factory wired circulator pump, brass drain valve and a stainless steel flue collector. All of the parts the GS110 contains are nothing short of high-grade materials that have all been tested and certified. The Smith GS110 costs around $ 3000 to $ 4000. The prices may be higher and some may be lower, all depending on where you purchase your boiler. You want to make sure that shipping is included in the prices that you get, that way there are no surprises when you pay for the boiler. You also want to make sure that you are getting complete boiler packages, the last thing you want is to think you are getting a complete boiler for a price only to discover that you need extra parts. Only purchase your boilers from reputable companies that will give you a warranty on the installation too.


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