Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

BioGuard Pool Shock Buyers Guide


BioGuard has been in the swimming pool chemical industry for over 40 years. The company started small and 40 years later they are recognized as one of the premier companies that supply swimming pool and spa chemicals to pool owners like you. Today, there are over 1,500 BioGuard Retail Locations in the United States.BioGuard Pool Shock Buyers Guide

One of the company’s premier selling products is the Powdered Shock. More pool owners are turning to powdered shock but they need a company that they can depend on and whose products will help them take care of their swimming pool. BioGuard is one of those companies; they offer a full line of powdered shock products that guarantee to help you keep your pool bacteria and algae free as well as crystal clear the entire summer.

Burn Out 35 Lithium Pool Shock

Burn Out 35 Lithium Pool Shock
Burn Out 35 Lithium Pool Shock from BioGuard was created for all different sizes and types of swimming pool. What makes these products different than the rest is that they offer 29% Lithium Hypochlorite. This product will help eliminate the contaminates such as suntan oils, make up and even urine. This water helps keep the water balanced and crystal clear. When you use the Burn Out Lithium Pool Shock you will see that it also removes chlorine like smells. You won’t need any pre-mixing, simply add to the swimming pool. This product dissolves quickly so there won’t be any clouding up of the swimming pool. The Burn Out 35 comes in pre-measured one pound bags. This way you won’t have to worry about adding too much or too little. If your swimming pool has problems with hard water, adding this pool shock will not affect the calcium hardness of the swimming pool. You will only need one pound per 6,000 gallons of water and you can use this product about every two weeks.

BioGuard Burn Out Lithium Pool Shock is priced around $99.14 but if you do some comparative shopping you will be able to find a better price. You can find the BioGuard System online on the BioGuard website or on other websites that carry swimming pool products.

Burn Out Extreme

Burn Out Extreme
BioGuard’s Burn Out Extreme can be used on any swimming pool, above ground or in ground. This powdered swimming pool shock comes in pre-measured bags that makes using this product as easy as 1-2-3. The Burn Out Extreme offers a quick dissolving formula that can shock as well as clarify and oxidize your swimming pool. This product is made with BioGuard’s Patented Technology. It contains 47% Calcium Hypochlorite.

Burn Out Extreme’s benefits are that it can help bring water back to its sparkling start. It is simple to use and because it is pre-measured you won’t have to b e concerned about spilling it. The Burn Out Extreme will also remove chloramines as well as other water soluble compounds from the water (make up or suntan oils). Burn Out Extreme is safe enough to use on a weekly basis. It can kill bacteria and keep away algae. The Burn Out Extreme has to be used when the swimming pool is not being used. Drop the powder into the deep end of the swimming pool with the pump running. Use one bag of Burn Out Extreme for every 10,000 gallons of water. When you use every other week you will need to add one bag per 20,000 gallons of water. The price for the Burn Out Extreme is $45.00 for 12 Pounds.

BioGuard WinterShock II

BioGuard WinterShock II
Winter Shock II is a preferred choice of swimming pool owners who have vinyl swimming pools. With Winter Shock II, you won’t have to worry about the powdered shock staining the liner over the winter. Winter Shock II contains 29% of Lithium Hypochlorite, 35% available Chlorine and 71% of other ingredients. Winter Shock II offers a quick dissolving formula that work is almost immediately. This product is effective in killing off bacteria and algae and other swimming pool contaminants from inhabiting your swimming pool over the winter months. You will need one pound per 6,000 gallons of water.

Using Winter Shock II is put into the deep end of the swimming pool. Use a pool brush to help any shock that hasn’t dissolved. Pour in the shock when the pump is on and once the shock is dissolved turn off the pump. It is important to read the instructions very carefully. You should never add water to the Winter Shock II, the bag is already pre-mixed. The price for the BioGuard Winter Shock II is around $8.76 per pack.

BioGuard Smart Shock

BioGuard Smart Shock
The BioGuard Smart Shock would be an asset for any swimming pool, above ground or in ground. The Smart Shock offers to help keep water sparkling clear. It works as shock, oxidizes and it buffers and clarifies the water as well. The Smart Shock will prevent bacteria and algae from forming. It contains one of a kind blue algae fighting crystals that help kill the algae. Before using, BioGuard recommends that you make sure that all of your pool equipment is working properly. You will need one pound per 12,000 gallons of water. It is important that you check the swimming pools chemicals before adding the Smart Shock. If your swimming pool has light algae you will have to vacuum all of the leaves and other debris from the swimming pool.

If there are some algae stains on the sides of the swimming pool, BioGuard recommends that you brush off any algae. Add the Smart Shock with the swimming pool pump running. Depending on where you have the most algae is where you are going to add the Smart Shock. With Smart Shock you won’t have to pre-mix, everything is done for you. Smart Shock comes in 1 pound bags, 2 pound resealable bottles and 25 pound buckets. You can find Smart Shock one pound bag for $5.50.

BioGuard Easy Shock & Swim

BioGuard Easy Shock & Swim
Easy Shock & Swim is a proven multi shock product. This product will help shock, oxidize, clarify and buffer in one easy to use product. The Easy Shock & Swim Products can be used with any style swimming pool but BioGuard states that this product is best used on above ground swimming pools. If you are using Nature 2 and Frog Pool Systems, the BioGuard Easy Shock and Swim is works in conjunction with these products.

Easy Shock & Swim will not affect any of the swimming pools pH levels. If you are using Easy Shock & Swim products for regular routine maintenance, you will need 1 pound per 12,000 gallons of water per week. The company recommends that you use additional uses of Easy Shock & Swim after you use the swimming pool for long periods of time. When there is rainfall or if the water starts to become cloudy. Easy Shock & Swim can be used in the winter months. You would use about a pound per 12,000 gallons of water. It is important to read all of the instructions when it comes to Easy Shock & Swim products. You can purchase Easy Shock & Swim for $10.99. You can find this product online or check the BioGuard website to find a local dealer.

When choosing shock for your swimming pool, you want to make sure that you have a product that will dissolve quickly and work easily as well. You want to use a product that contains powerful ingredients that will work well with your swimming pool. BioGuard has a full line of products that will help get your swimming pool in tip top shape as well as maintain your swimming pool. When you use BioGuard Products you can have a great summer without having to miss swimming days because the swimming pool water was cloudy. Read all of the directions for the BioGuard Products and you will have the clearest pool on the block.


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