Plumbing, Heating and Pool Repair Guides

BEST Brand Water Heaters


WeT HeaD KnowledgeCountries from all over the world manufacture water heaters but the hardest water heater to locate on the web are water heaters from China. You have to search and search to find any company. Perseverance paid off and we have come up with BEST Water Heaters from Mainland China. They offer a full line of water heaters from tankless to anti freeze water heaters. You may think that water heaters are water heaters right? But you would be wrong.

Water heaters from China are a bit different from the water heaters from the rest of the world. They are harder to find but we have located a company called BEST Water Heaters. They are from Mainland China and we have put together a list of the top 5 water heaters from the company. Then you can decide if their water heaters are different from the water heaters where you live.

BEST Gas Water Heater with Automatic Ignition and Anti Freeze Protection BEST Gas Water heater with Automatic Ignition and Anti Freeze Protection. The standard features of this gas fired water heater are that they have work with either a flue duct type or a forced exhaust style system. They have an automatic ignition with a special switch that makes the water heater effective in winter and summer. The BEST Gas Water heater with Automatic Ignition and Anti Freeze Protection offers a safety device that will prevent accidental flameout. The gas fired water heater offers a low water pressure start up and an over water pressure protection system. The water heater is equipped with an anti freezing protection function so even in the cold weather your water heater will work 100%.

BEST Model D Series 6L: No Freezing Gas Water Heater with Energy Saving Switch

This gas fired water heater from BEST Water Heaters is made in China as well. Some of the key specifications it has a safety called the Accidental Flameout System. The BEST No Freezing Gas Water Heater with Energy Saving Switch is an automatic ignition water heater for safety. The unit offers a winter and a summer switch for efficiency, you don’t need so much hot water in the summer so you flip the summer switch and you can start seeing some savings in your energy bills right away. The BEST No Freezing Gas Water Heater with Energy Saving Switch can work with both the flue duct type system and a forced exhaust type system. The water heater is covered with a white coat of metallic or your choice of White, Silver or Gold. The water heater offers low water pressures start up with an over water pressure protection. The unit is also equipped with an anti freezing device so the water heater will not freeze up in the winter months.

BEST Model G24-h Indoor Residential Tankless Water Heater

This BEST Model G24-H Indoor Residential Tankless Water Heater has the heating capacity of 81,800 BTUH or 24 kW. It has a direct electric ignition. This unit has specifications of gallons per minute of 0.6 to 3.4 and it can be used with a balanced system or a force air venting system. The origin of this boiler like the other is Mainland China. Mostly people in these areas have purchased these units, Eastern Europe, North America, Mid East and Africa as well as Asia and Australia. The G24-H Indoor Residential is a tankless water heater, perfect for homes that don’t have a lot of space in the basements of closets.

BEST Model 10-N: Energy Saving Gas Water Heater with Safety Device

The safety device on the Model 10-N is the Accidental Flameout System. These water heaters are used with flue duct type system or exhaust style-heating system. The heater comes standard with an automatic ignition for easier lighting. The BEST Model 10-N: Energy Saving Gas Water Heater with Safety Device comes with an anti freezing protection device.

BEST Model 10-N: Energy Saving Gas Water Heater with Safety Device has a low-pressure start up with an over water pressure protection system. The Model 10-N has an anti freeze protection device and it has a water pressure of 0.025-0.1 Mpa. These units are small and compact so they can fit just about anywhere where there is very little room. BEST Water Heaters are popular not only in China but in other places around the world such as Eastern Europe, North America, Mid East and Africa. Central and South America, Asia, Australia and Western Europe. They are efficient water heaters and they each some standard features that you may not find on any water heater where you live. BEST Water Heaters are high performance and made with high quality products, you can’t go wrong with these water heaters they are top of the line.

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