Blackballing the Welcome Mat—A Better Way to Avoid Tracking Dirt into the Home

Everyone is familiar with the welcome mat. It brings up Norman Rockwell type images of the traditional American household, complete with white picket fences and dog in yard. But as far as a functional piece goes, the welcome mat only offers minimal dirt removal from shoes. Besides, have you really watch someone wipe his or her feet on the mat? They often do so hastily, as it is more ritualistic for them than practical. But there is a new contender in town. The Sticky Matis an innovative must-have product for anyone who values keeping the home clean, and as dirt-free as possible. It’s Not the Dirt Itself you need to Fear  In some cultures, wearing shoes in the home is a scandalous “no-no”, but in America almost everyone does it. As a result, floors get dirty. It isn’t the dirt itself that should be concerning people, but rather what is in the dirt. In an article by ABC News, the author examines the hidden dangers in dirt we track into our homes every day. Tests reveal that the dirt on the bottoms of our shoes is much dirtier than a toilet seat. The author continues to attest that children under the age of 2 are the most vulnerable to these germs that are tracked into the home, because they play on the floor and put their hands in their mouths on average of 80 times per hour. Out of the 10 tests that were conducted on shoe soil, 9 of those tests revealed human and animal waste. Although the doormat removes some of the dirt, it doesn’t remove all of it. Now What? So the welcome mat really doesn’t do its job. So now what? There are two solutions. The first is to remove your shoes before entering the house. But let’s face it, most Americans are not as disciplined or acclimated to this practice as other cultures are, such as the Japanese. We are in too big of a hurry to take our shoes off, as flopping on the sofa to watch the big game, or rushing to get dinner prepared, is on the forefront of our minds. Though it is simple in theory, most people will not keep up with this practice of shoe-removal at the door. The second option is to purchase a Sticky Mat. This innovative mat is a world apart from its antiquated cousin, the welcome mat. The Sticky Mat is composed of a specialty adhesive that grasps and pulls the dirt and dust completely off the shoe. It doesn’t leave a tacky surface on the bottom of the shoe, but simply leaves it clean and dirt-free. In fact, during the Mad Cow scare in France and England, all flights coming from the two afflicted countries required all passengers exiting the aircraft to stand on sticky mats before stepping onto a pad soaked in a chemical bath. If it is good enough for international safety, it is good enough for your home! Keep your Family Safe  Doing all you can to ensure the cleanliness of your home, and protecting the health of your children, is of upmost importance to any good parent. The unseen contaminates in dirt are widely overlooked, but should be on the minds of everyone. Investing in an affordable product like a Sticky Mat will not only safeguard the quality of your carpet, but it will help in keeping your children safe and healthy. It is time to unwelcome the welcome mat, and fling it to the garbage bin for the newer, and better-evolved product.